Above is a 2 minute video demonstrating how helpful the Make It Rite Mirror is for anyone who is required to maintain strict facedown positioning (typically for vitrectomy retinal eye surgery OR now for COVID-19 lung recovery). While maintaining prescribed face prone posture, the vitrectomy mirror allows a person to have eye contact with everyone in the room with them, whether just after the surgery, at home, or even outside. The facedown mirror allows a person to watch the same television as everyone else, read their computer screen, see what's in the cupboards, watch the birds outside--whatever the mirror is pointed at--all while keeping the back of their head parallel to the floor.
Please call 1 800 266 2924 to order and/or to discuss how RiteTime can be of assistance to you or your loved one.
Please call 1 800 266 2924 to order and/or to discuss how RiteTime can be of assistance to you or your loved one.