Local to You, Your SD Local Vitrectomy Face Down Solution
This page shows some of the locations specifically in South Dakota
The Make It Rite Mirror and the RiteTime Rental Option are local to you in South Dakota international locations as well. Give us a call. Rite Time has assisted patients of Retinal Vitreous Specialists, Consultants, Associates, Groups all over the United States and abroad to optimize their prescribed facedown positioning, vitrectomy recovery and successfully regain their eyesight. At the bottom of this page is a partial listing of locations where Rite Time provides vitrectomy patients face down support. Order your Rite Time Face Down Eyesight Make It Rite Mirror or arrange for your RiteTime Rental Option by calling 1.800.266.2924.
The Rite Time Make It Rite Mirror is a comfort solution to help other vitrectomy patients successfully regain their eyesight. Everything that had been included in Rite Time System package including the Make It Rite Mirror was included and was specifically designed based on Al Heitz's personal experience of maintaining face down positioning 24/7 for two weeks and successfully regaining his eyesight following his macular hole retina surgery; and from assisting other vitrectomy patients.
The Rite Time Make It Rite Mirror is affordable for even patients who are on the lowest, fixed income. We accept VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express.
The Rite Time Make It Rite Mirror (facedown mirror / vitrectomy mirror) is a comfort package designed to help vitrectomy patients successfully comply with doctor prescribed face down position to enhance their successful, optimal eyesight recovery.
We look forward to assisting you or your loved one regain their eyesight. Call us at 1.800.266.2924 or email me at [email protected].
The Rite Time Face Down Vitrectomy Support Recovery Make It Rite Mirror and the rental package can and has been delivered to every State and many international locations.
A more comprehensive breakdown listing of where next day facedown recovery equipment can usually be delivered in South Dakota includes:
South Dakota: Aberdeen, SD 57401, 57402; Academy, SD 57369; Ada, SD 57620; Agar, SD 57520; Agency Village, SD 57262; Akaska, SD 57420; Albee, SD 57259; Alcester, SD 57001; Alexandria, SD 57311; Allen, SD 57714; Alpena, SD 57312; Alsen, SD 57004; Alsville, SD 57248; Altamont, SD 57226; Ames, SD 57501; Amherst, SD 57421; Anderson, SD 57644; Andover, SD 57422; Appleby, SD 57201; Ardmore, SD 57735; Argonne, SD 57349; Arlington, SD 57212; Armour, SD 57313; Arpan, SD 57762; Artas, SD 57437; Artesian, SD 57314; Ashton, SD 57424; Astoria, SD 57213; Athboy, SD 57644; Athol, SD 57424; Auance, SD 57626; Augustana College, SD 57197; Aurora, SD 57002; Aurora Center, SD 57375; Avon, SD 57315; Bad Nation, SD 57585; Badger, SD 57214; Bailey, SD 57341; Bakerville, SD 57730; Baltic, SD 57003; Bancroft, SD 57353; Barnard, SD 57426; Batesland, SD 57716; Bath, SD 57427; Bear Butte, SD 57785; Beardsley, SD 57366; Beebe, SD 57401; Belle Fourche, SD 57717; Belvidere, SD 57521; Bemis, SD 57238; Ben Claire, SD 57068; Beresford, SD 57004; Bethlehem, SD 57769; Betts, SD 57301; Big Springs, SD 57001; Big Stone, SD 57216; Big Stone City, SD 57216; Bijou Hills, SD 57325; Billsburg, SD 57553; Bison, SD 57620; Bixby, SD 57620; Black Hawk, SD 57718; Black Hills State University, SD 57799; Blackpipe, SD 57560; Bloomfield, SD 57322; Blue Dog Lake, SD 57273; Bluebell, SD 57730; Blunt, SD 57522; Bonesteel, SD 57317; Bonilla, SD 57348; Bovee, SD 57342; Bowdle, SD 57428; Box Elder, SD 57719; Bradley, SD 57217; Brainard, SD 57426; Brandon, SD 57005; Brandt, SD 57218; Brentford, SD 57429; Bridger, SD 57748; Bridgewater, SD 57319; Bristol, SD 57219; Britton, SD 57430; Broadland, SD 57350; Brookings, SD 57006, 57007; Bruce, SD 57220; Bryant, SD 57221; Buffalo, SD 57720; Buffalo Gap, SD 57722; Buffalo Ridge, SD 57107; Bullhead, SD 57621; Burbank, SD 57010; Burdock, SD 57735; Burke, SD 57523; Burkmere, SD 57438; Bushnell, SD 57276; Butler, SD 57219; Cactus Flats, SD 57775; Calico, SD 57770; Camp Crook, SD 57724; Campbell, SD 57646; Canistota, SD 57012; Canning, SD 57501; Canova, SD 57321; Canton, SD 57013; Capa, SD 57552; Caputa, SD 57725; Carlock, SD 57533; Carpenter, SD 57322; Carter, SD 57580; Carthage, SD 57323; Cash, SD 57620; Castle Rock, SD 57760; Castlewood, SD 57223; Cavour, SD 57324; Cedar Canyon, SD 57760; Cedarbutte, SD 57579; Center, SD 57058; Center Point, SD 57070; Centerville, SD 57014; Central City, SD 57754; Chalk Butte, SD 57787; Chamberlain, SD 57325, 57326; Chance, SD 57620; Chancellor, SD 57015; Chelsea, SD 57465; Cherry Creek, SD 57622; Chester, SD 57016; Cheyenne River Reservation, SD 57625; Citibank, SD 57188, 57189; Claire City, SD 57224; Claremont, SD 57432; Clark, SD 57225; Clark Colony, SD 57258; Clayton, SD 57332; Clear Lake, SD 57226; Clearfield, SD 57580; Clough, SD 57785; Coal Springs, SD 57644; Colman, SD 57017; Colome, SD 57528; Colton, SD 57018; Columbia, SD 57433; Como, SD 57362; Conata, SD 57780; Conde, SD 57434; Cooper, SD 57626; Corona, SD 57227; Corsica, SD 57328; Corson, SD 57005; Cottonwood, SD 57775; Crandall, SD 57434; Craven, SD 57451; Crazy Horse, SD 57730; Creighton, SD 57790; Cresbard, SD 57435; Crocker, SD 57217; Crooks, SD 57020, 57055; Crow Creek, SD 57339; Custer, SD 57730; Dakota Dunes, SD 57049; Dalesburg, SD 57014; Dallas, SD 57529; Danforth, SD 57381; Dante, SD 57329; Date, SD 57649; Davis, SD 57021; Deadwood, SD 57732; Deerfield, SD 57745; Degray, SD 57522; Dell Rapids, SD 57022; Delmont, SD 57330; Dempster, SD 57234; Denby, SD 57716; DeSmet, SD 57231; Dewey, SD 57735; Dimock, SD 57331; Dixon, SD 57529, 57533; Doland, SD 57436; Dolton, SD 57319; Dowling, SD 57790; Draper, SD 57531; Dry Wood Lake, SD 57262; Dupree, SD 57623; Eagle, SD 57369; Eagle Butte, SD 57625; Eakin, SD 57501; Eden, SD 57232; Edgemont, SD 57735; Edna, SD 57568; Edson, SD 57626; Egan, SD 57024; Elk Point, SD 57025; Elkton, SD 57026; Ellis, SD 57107; Ellsworth, SD 57706; Elm Lake, SD 57441; Elm Springs, SD 57791; Elwood, SD 57622; Emery, SD 57332; Emmet, SD 57004; England Ranch, SD 57552; Englewood, SD 57754; Enning, SD 57737; Epiphany, SD 57321; Erwin, SD 57233; Esmond, SD 57353; Estelline, SD 57234; Ethan, SD 57334; Eureka, SD 57437; Fairbank, SD 57501; Fairburn, SD 57738; Fairfax, SD 57335; Fairpoint, SD 57785; Fairview, SD 57027; Faith, SD 57626; Farmer, SD 57311; Farmingdale, SD 57725; Faulkton, SD 57438; Fedora, SD 57337; Ferney, SD 57439; Firesteel, SD 57633; Flandreau, SD 57028; Fleming, SD 57738; Florence, SD 57235; Flyger, SD 57036; Foley, SD 57201; Folsom, SD 57744; Forest City, SD 57442; Forestburg, SD 57314; Fort Meade, SD 57741; Fort Pierre, SD 57532; Fort Thompson, SD 57339; Foster, SD 57601; Francis, SD 57501; Frankfort, SD 57440; Franklin, SD 57016; Frederick, SD 57441; Freeman, SD 57029; Fruitdale, SD 57717; Fulton, SD 57340; Game Lodge, SD 57730; Gann Valley, SD 57341; Garden City, SD 57236; Garretson, SD 57030; Gary, SD 57237; Gayville, SD 57031; Geddes, SD 57342; Gettysburg, SD 57442; Gill, SD 57760; Glad Valley, SD 57644; Glen, SD 57471; Glencross, SD 57630; Glendo, SD 57649; Glenham, SD 57631; Goodwin, SD 57238; Gopher, SD 57601; Gorman, SD 57442; Govert, SD 57620; Grashul, SD 57769; Grass Rope, SD 57569; Greenfield, SD 57069; Greenway, SD 57437; Greenwood, SD 57380; Gregory, SD 57533; Grenville, SD 57239; Gretna, SD 57471; Groton, SD 57445; Grover, SD 57201; Gumbo, SD 57791; Gustave, SD 57724; Hamill, SD 57534; Hammer, SD 57255; Harney Peak, SD 57730; Harrington, SD 57551; Harrisburg, SD 57032; Harrison, SD 57344; Harrold, SD 57536; Hartford, SD 57033; Hartley, SD 57553; Hayes, SD 57537; Hayti, SD 57241; Hayward, SD 57744; Hazel, SD 57242; Headlee Ranch, SD 57750; Hecla, SD 57446; Henry, SD 57243; Heppner, SD 57747; Hereford, SD 57785; Hermosa, SD 57744; Herreid, SD 57632; Herrick, SD 57538; Hetland, SD 57212; Hidden Timber, SD 57555; Highmore, SD 57345; Hiles, SD 57577; Hill City, SD 57745; Hilland, SD 57567; Hillhead, SD 57270; Hills, SD 57437; Hillsview, SD 57437; Hilmoe, SD 57568; Hisega, SD 57702; Hisle, SD 57577; Hitchcock, SD 57348; Holabird, SD 57540; Holmquist, SD 57274; Hooker, SD 57070; Hoover, SD 57760; Hosmer, SD 57448; Hot Springs, SD 57747; Houghton, SD 57449; Houston, SD 57544; Hoven, SD 57450; Howard, SD 57349; Howell, SD 57345; Howes, SD 57748; Hub City, SD 57069; Hudson, SD 57034; Huffton, SD 57432; Humboldt, SD 57035; Huntimer, SD 57018; Hurley, SD 57036; Huron, SD 57350, 57399; Huron Colony, SD 57350; Ideal, SD 57541; Imlay, SD 57780; Imogene, SD 57649; Inland, SD 57758; Interior, SD 57750; Iona, SD 57533; Ipswich, SD 57451; Irene, SD 57037; Iron Mountain, SD 57544; Iroquois, SD 57353; Isabel, SD 57633; James, SD 57445; James Valley, SD 57350; Janesville, SD 57067; Janousek, SD 57063; Java, SD 57452; Jefferson, SD 57038; Joe Creek, SD 57536; Johnsonville, SD 57268; Jolly Acres, SD 57701; Joubert, SD 57364; Junction City, SD 57025; Junius, SD 57042; Kadoka, SD 57543; Kampeska, SD 57201; Kary, SD 57559; Kasper, SD 57564; Kaylor, SD 57354; Keldron, SD 57634; Kenel, SD 57642; Kennebec, SD 57544; Keyapaha, SD 57580; Keystone, SD 57751; Kidder, SD 57430; Kimball, SD 57355; Kingsbury, SD 57066; Kirley, SD 57552; Kones Corner, SD 57223; Kranzburg, SD 57245; Kyle, SD 57752; La Plant, SD 57652; Labolt, SD 57246; Lacy, SD 57532; Lake Alvin, SD 57032; Lake Andes, SD 57356; Lake Brandt, SD 57016; Lake Byron, SD 57350; Lake Campbell, SD 57006; Lake City, SD 57247; Lake Herman, SD 57042; Lake Madison, SD 57075; Lake Mitchell, SD 57301; Lake Norden, SD 57248; Lake Poinsett, SD 57212; Lake Preston, SD 57233, 57249; Lake Sinai, SD 57061; Lakeport, SD 57063; Lane, SD 57358; Langford, SD 57454; Lantry, SD 57636; Laroche, SD 57532; Lauzen, SD 57735; Lead, SD 57754; Lebanon, SD 57455; Lemmon, SD 57638; Lennox, SD 57039; Leola, SD 57456; Lesterville, SD 57040; Letcher, SD 57359; Lightcap, SD 57633; Lily, SD 57274; Linden Beach, SD 57227; Lindsey, SD 57532; Little Eagle, SD 57639; Lodgepole, SD 57640; Long Valley, SD 57547; Longlake, SD 57457; Loomis, SD 57301; Lower Brule, SD 57548; Lowry, SD 57472; Loyalton, SD 57471; Lucas, SD 57523; Ludlow, SD 57755; Lyman, SD 57569; Lyons, SD 57041; Lyonville, SD 57355; Madison, SD 57042; Madsen Beach, SD 57279; Manchester, SD 57353; Manderson, SD 57756; Mansfield, SD 57460; Maple Leaf, SD 57642; Marcus, SD 57785; Marcy Colony, SD 57366; Marion, SD 57043; Martin, SD 57551; Marty, SD 57361; Marvin, SD 57251; Mason, SD 57717; Maurine, SD 57626; Maverick, SD 57747; Mayfield, SD 57037; McClure, SD 57576; McCook Lake, SD 57049; McIntosh, SD 57641; McLaughlin, SD 57642; Meadow, SD 57644; Meckling, SD 57069; Mellette, SD 57461; Menno, SD 57045; Midland, SD 57552; Midway, SD 57070; Milbank, SD 57252, 57253; Milesville, SD 57553; Millboro, SD 57580; Miller, SD 57362; Milltown, SD 57366; Mina, SD 57451; Minnekata, SD 57747; Miranda, SD 57438; Mission, SD 57555; Mission Hill, SD 57046; Mission Ridge, SD 57532; Mitchell, SD 57301; Mobridge, SD 57601, 57659; Moe, SD 57034; Moenville, SD 57552; Monroe, SD 57047; Montrose, SD 57048; Moreau, SD 57626; Morristown, SD 57645; Mosher, SD 57580; Mound City, SD 57646; Mount Vernon, SD 57363; Mud Butte, SD 57758; Murdo, SD 57559; Mystic, SD 57745; Naomi, SD 57039; Naples, SD 57271; Nemo, SD 57759; New Effington, SD 57255; New Holland, SD 57364; New Underwood, SD 57761; Newark, SD 57430; Newell, SD 57760; Nisland, SD 57762; Nora, SD 57001; Norbeck, SD 57438; Norman Ranch, SD 57532; Norris, SD 57560; North Sioux City, SD 57049; Northville, SD 57465; Norway Center, SD 57034; Nowlin, SD 57552; Nunda, SD 57050; Oacoma, SD 57365; Oahe, SD 57501; Oakwood Lake, SD 57220; Oelrichs, SD 57763, 57782; Oglala, SD 57764; Ohem, SD 57623; Okaton, SD 57562; Okobojo, SD 57501; Okreek, SD 57563; Ola, SD 57325; Old Town, SD 57701; Oldham, SD 57051; Olivet, SD 57052; Olson, SD 57755; Olsonville, SD 57555; Onaka, SD 57466; Onida, SD 57564; Opal, SD 57758; Oral, SD 57766; Ordway, SD 57401; Orient, SD 57467; Orland, SD 57042; Ortley, SD 57256; Orton, SD 57532; Ottumwa, SD 57552; Owanka, SD 57767; Pactola Lake, SD 57702; Palisade, SD 57030; Parade, SD 57625; Parker, SD 57053; Parkston, SD 57366; Parmelee, SD 57566; Patricia, SD 57551; Paxton, SD 57529; Paytrust, SD 57186; Peever, SD 57257; Pelican, SD 57201; Philip, SD 57567; Pickstown, SD 57367; Piedmont, SD 57769; Pierpont, SD 57468; Pierre, SD 57501; Pine Ridge, SD 57770; Pine Run, SD 57555; Plainview, SD 57748; Plankinton, SD 57368; Plano, SD 57340; Platte, SD 57369; Plum Creek, SD 57567; Pluma, SD 57732; Pollock, SD 57648; Polo, SD 57467; Porcupine, SD 57772; Potato Creek, SD 57750; Powell, SD 57451; Prairie City, SD 57649; Presho, SD 57568; Pringle, SD 57773; Promise, SD 57601; Provo, SD 57735; Pukwana, SD 57370; Putney, SD 57445; Quinn, SD 57775; Ralph, SD 57650; Ramona, SD 57054; Ramsey, SD 57048; Randolph, SD 57474; Rapid City, SD 57701, 57702, 57703, 57709; Rauville, SD 57201; Ravinia, SD 57356; Raymond, SD 57258; Red Elm, SD 57623; Red Iron Lake, SD 57247; Red Owl, SD 57787; Red Scaffold, SD 57748; Red Shirt, SD 57744; Redfield, SD 57469; Redig, SD 57776; Ree Heights, SD 57371; Reliance, SD 57569; Renner, SD 57020, 57055; Reva, SD 57651; Revillo, SD 57259; Richland, SD 57025; Ridgeview, SD 57652; Robey, SD 57383; Rochford, SD 57745; Rockerville, SD 57701, 57702; Rockham, SD 57470; Rockyford, SD 57772; Roland Colony, SD 57276; Roscoe, SD 57471; Rosebud, SD 57570; Rosholt, SD 57260; Roslyn, SD 57261; Roswell, SD 57349; Roubaix, SD 57732; Rousseau, SD 57501; Rowena, SD 57005; Rumpus Ridge, SD 57012; Running Water, SD 57062; Rutland, SD 57057; Saint Charles, SD 57571; Saint Francis, SD 57572; Saint Joseph Indian School, SD 57326; Saint Lawrence, SD 57373; Saint Onge, SD 57779; Salem, SD 57058; Sanator, SD 57730; Sand Lake, SD 57433; Sansarc, SD 57537; Savoy, SD 57754; Scenic, SD 57780; Scotland, SD 57059; Selby, SD 57472; Seneca, SD 57473; Shadehill, SD 57638; Shady Beach, SD 57227; Sharps Corner, SD 57772; Shelby, SD 57370; Sherman, SD 57030; Shindler, SD 57106; Silver City, SD 57702; Silver Lake, SD 57319; Sinai, SD 57061; Sioux Falls, SD 57101, 57103, 57104, 57105, 57106, 57107, 57108, 57109, 57110, 57117, 57118, 57186, 57188, 57189, 57192, 57193, 57194, 57196, 57197, 57198; Sisseton, SD 57262; Sitka, SD 57472; Sky Ranch, SD 57724; Smiths Park, SD 57075; Smithwick, SD 57782; Sodak Park, SD 57279; South Shore, SD 57263; Spain, SD 57430; Spearfish, SD 57783, 57799; Spearfish Canyon, SD 57754; Spencer, SD 57374; Spink, SD 57025; Spink Colony, SD 57440; Spirit Lake, SD 57233; Spottwood, SD 57476; Spring Creek, SD 57572; Springfield, SD 57062; Stamford, SD 57552; Standing Rock, SD 57658; Standing Rock Reservation, SD 57625; Stanley Corner, SD 57319; Stephan, SD 57346; Stickney, SD 57375; Stockholm, SD 57264; Stoneville, SD 57787; Storla, SD 57359; Strandburg, SD 57265; Stratford, SD 57474; Strool, SD 57649; Sturgis, SD 57785; Summerset, SD 57718, 57769; Summit, SD 57266; Sunset Colony, SD 57430; Swan Lake, SD 57070; Sweeney, SD 57568; Swett, SD 57551; Sylvan Lake, SD 57730; Tabor, SD 57063; Tacoma Park, SD 57433; Tea, SD 57064; Tekakwitha, SD 57262; Tennis, SD 57345; Terraville, SD 57754; Terry Peak, SD 57754; Thomas, SD 57241; Thunder Hawk, SD 57638; Tilford, SD 57769; Tilton, SD 57754; Timber Lake, SD 57656; Tolstoy, SD 57475; Toronto, SD 57268; Trail City, SD 57657; Trent, SD 57065; Tripp, SD 57376; Trojan, SD 57754; Troy, SD 57265; Tulare, SD 57476; Tunnerville, SD 57226; Turkey Ridge, SD 57036; Turton, SD 57477; Tuthill, SD 57574; Twin Brooks, SD 57269; Tyndall, SD 57066; Union Center, SD 57787; Unityville, SD 57058; Usta, SD 57626; Utica, SD 57067; Vale, SD 57788; Valley Springs, SD 57068; Van Metre, SD 57559; Vayland, SD 57381; Veblen, SD 57270; Verdon, SD 57434; Vermillion, SD 57069; Vetal, SD 57551; Viborg, SD 57070; Victor, SD 57260; Vienna, SD 57271; Viewfield, SD 57761; Vilas, SD 57349; Virgil, SD 57379; Vivian, SD 57576; Volga, SD 57071; Volin, SD 57072; Volunteer, SD 57785; Wagner, SD 57361, 57380; Wakonda, SD 57073; Wakpala, SD 57658; Walker, SD 57659; Wall, SD 57790; Wall Lake, SD 57033; Wallace, SD 57272; Wanamaker, SD 57560; Wanblee, SD 57577; Ward, SD 57026; Warner, SD 57479; Wasta, SD 57767, 57791; Watauga, SD 57660; Watertown, SD 57201; Waubay, SD 57273; Waverly, SD 57201; Weaver, SD 57580; Webster, SD 57274; Wecota, SD 57438; Wellington, SD 57035; Wendt, SD 57501; Wentworth, SD 57075; Wessington Springs, SD 57381, 57382; Westerville, SD 57069; Westover, SD 57579; Westport, SD 57481; Wetonka, SD 57481; Wewela, SD 57580; White, SD 57276; White Butte, SD 57638; White Lake, SD 57383; White Owl, SD 57792; White River, SD 57579; Whitehorse, SD 57661; Whitewood, SD 57793; Wicksville, SD 57767; Willet, SD 57717; Willow Lake, SD 57278; Wilmot, SD 57279; Wilson Corner, SD 57755; Winfred, SD 57076; Winner, SD 57580; Witten, SD 57584; Wittenberg, SD 57052; Wolsey, SD 57384; Wood, SD 57585; Woonsocket, SD 57385; Worthing, SD 57077; Wounded Knee, SD 57794; Yale, SD 57386; Yankton, SD 57078; Yankton Indian Reservation, SD 57570; Zell, SD 57469. Rite Time System patients in South Dakota have also benefitted from enhanced faceprone posturing.
International patients in Puerto Rico, Canada (Quebec, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia), Mexico, United Kingdom, Philippines, Ireland, Australia, Israel, Hong Kong, India, Saudi Arabia (to name just a few international locations) have valued and appreciated using the RiteTime System including the Make It Rite Mirror and regaining their eyesight.
Vitreo-retinal ophthalmologist eye surgeons perform a vitrectomy to repair detached retina or a retinal macular hole. The Rite Time® Make It Rite Mirror is the solution for the necessary face prone prescribed posture. Patients have appreciated using the RiteTime® Make It Rite Mirror and have successfully maintained facedown positioning 24/7 for as long as necessary to regain their eyesight.
You will appreciate the vitrectomy facedown comfort solutions the Rite Time® Make It Rite Mirror affords you or your loved one for facedown vitrectomy eyesight recovery.
To order and/or discuss the Rite Time® Make It Rite Mirror, or the RiteTime Rental Option, call Sandra at RiteTime® at 1.800.266.2924 or 1.480.832.1592 or email me at [email protected].
We look forward to assisting you or your loved one regain eyesight.
See other specific cities, states and zips where RiteTime equipment is local to you below.
The Rite Time Make It Rite Mirror is a comfort solution to help other vitrectomy patients successfully regain their eyesight. Everything that had been included in Rite Time System package including the Make It Rite Mirror was included and was specifically designed based on Al Heitz's personal experience of maintaining face down positioning 24/7 for two weeks and successfully regaining his eyesight following his macular hole retina surgery; and from assisting other vitrectomy patients.
The Rite Time Make It Rite Mirror is affordable for even patients who are on the lowest, fixed income. We accept VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express.
The Rite Time Make It Rite Mirror (facedown mirror / vitrectomy mirror) is a comfort package designed to help vitrectomy patients successfully comply with doctor prescribed face down position to enhance their successful, optimal eyesight recovery.
We look forward to assisting you or your loved one regain their eyesight. Call us at 1.800.266.2924 or email me at [email protected].
The Rite Time Face Down Vitrectomy Support Recovery Make It Rite Mirror and the rental package can and has been delivered to every State and many international locations.
A more comprehensive breakdown listing of where next day facedown recovery equipment can usually be delivered in South Dakota includes:
South Dakota: Aberdeen, SD 57401, 57402; Academy, SD 57369; Ada, SD 57620; Agar, SD 57520; Agency Village, SD 57262; Akaska, SD 57420; Albee, SD 57259; Alcester, SD 57001; Alexandria, SD 57311; Allen, SD 57714; Alpena, SD 57312; Alsen, SD 57004; Alsville, SD 57248; Altamont, SD 57226; Ames, SD 57501; Amherst, SD 57421; Anderson, SD 57644; Andover, SD 57422; Appleby, SD 57201; Ardmore, SD 57735; Argonne, SD 57349; Arlington, SD 57212; Armour, SD 57313; Arpan, SD 57762; Artas, SD 57437; Artesian, SD 57314; Ashton, SD 57424; Astoria, SD 57213; Athboy, SD 57644; Athol, SD 57424; Auance, SD 57626; Augustana College, SD 57197; Aurora, SD 57002; Aurora Center, SD 57375; Avon, SD 57315; Bad Nation, SD 57585; Badger, SD 57214; Bailey, SD 57341; Bakerville, SD 57730; Baltic, SD 57003; Bancroft, SD 57353; Barnard, SD 57426; Batesland, SD 57716; Bath, SD 57427; Bear Butte, SD 57785; Beardsley, SD 57366; Beebe, SD 57401; Belle Fourche, SD 57717; Belvidere, SD 57521; Bemis, SD 57238; Ben Claire, SD 57068; Beresford, SD 57004; Bethlehem, SD 57769; Betts, SD 57301; Big Springs, SD 57001; Big Stone, SD 57216; Big Stone City, SD 57216; Bijou Hills, SD 57325; Billsburg, SD 57553; Bison, SD 57620; Bixby, SD 57620; Black Hawk, SD 57718; Black Hills State University, SD 57799; Blackpipe, SD 57560; Bloomfield, SD 57322; Blue Dog Lake, SD 57273; Bluebell, SD 57730; Blunt, SD 57522; Bonesteel, SD 57317; Bonilla, SD 57348; Bovee, SD 57342; Bowdle, SD 57428; Box Elder, SD 57719; Bradley, SD 57217; Brainard, SD 57426; Brandon, SD 57005; Brandt, SD 57218; Brentford, SD 57429; Bridger, SD 57748; Bridgewater, SD 57319; Bristol, SD 57219; Britton, SD 57430; Broadland, SD 57350; Brookings, SD 57006, 57007; Bruce, SD 57220; Bryant, SD 57221; Buffalo, SD 57720; Buffalo Gap, SD 57722; Buffalo Ridge, SD 57107; Bullhead, SD 57621; Burbank, SD 57010; Burdock, SD 57735; Burke, SD 57523; Burkmere, SD 57438; Bushnell, SD 57276; Butler, SD 57219; Cactus Flats, SD 57775; Calico, SD 57770; Camp Crook, SD 57724; Campbell, SD 57646; Canistota, SD 57012; Canning, SD 57501; Canova, SD 57321; Canton, SD 57013; Capa, SD 57552; Caputa, SD 57725; Carlock, SD 57533; Carpenter, SD 57322; Carter, SD 57580; Carthage, SD 57323; Cash, SD 57620; Castle Rock, SD 57760; Castlewood, SD 57223; Cavour, SD 57324; Cedar Canyon, SD 57760; Cedarbutte, SD 57579; Center, SD 57058; Center Point, SD 57070; Centerville, SD 57014; Central City, SD 57754; Chalk Butte, SD 57787; Chamberlain, SD 57325, 57326; Chance, SD 57620; Chancellor, SD 57015; Chelsea, SD 57465; Cherry Creek, SD 57622; Chester, SD 57016; Cheyenne River Reservation, SD 57625; Citibank, SD 57188, 57189; Claire City, SD 57224; Claremont, SD 57432; Clark, SD 57225; Clark Colony, SD 57258; Clayton, SD 57332; Clear Lake, SD 57226; Clearfield, SD 57580; Clough, SD 57785; Coal Springs, SD 57644; Colman, SD 57017; Colome, SD 57528; Colton, SD 57018; Columbia, SD 57433; Como, SD 57362; Conata, SD 57780; Conde, SD 57434; Cooper, SD 57626; Corona, SD 57227; Corsica, SD 57328; Corson, SD 57005; Cottonwood, SD 57775; Crandall, SD 57434; Craven, SD 57451; Crazy Horse, SD 57730; Creighton, SD 57790; Cresbard, SD 57435; Crocker, SD 57217; Crooks, SD 57020, 57055; Crow Creek, SD 57339; Custer, SD 57730; Dakota Dunes, SD 57049; Dalesburg, SD 57014; Dallas, SD 57529; Danforth, SD 57381; Dante, SD 57329; Date, SD 57649; Davis, SD 57021; Deadwood, SD 57732; Deerfield, SD 57745; Degray, SD 57522; Dell Rapids, SD 57022; Delmont, SD 57330; Dempster, SD 57234; Denby, SD 57716; DeSmet, SD 57231; Dewey, SD 57735; Dimock, SD 57331; Dixon, SD 57529, 57533; Doland, SD 57436; Dolton, SD 57319; Dowling, SD 57790; Draper, SD 57531; Dry Wood Lake, SD 57262; Dupree, SD 57623; Eagle, SD 57369; Eagle Butte, SD 57625; Eakin, SD 57501; Eden, SD 57232; Edgemont, SD 57735; Edna, SD 57568; Edson, SD 57626; Egan, SD 57024; Elk Point, SD 57025; Elkton, SD 57026; Ellis, SD 57107; Ellsworth, SD 57706; Elm Lake, SD 57441; Elm Springs, SD 57791; Elwood, SD 57622; Emery, SD 57332; Emmet, SD 57004; England Ranch, SD 57552; Englewood, SD 57754; Enning, SD 57737; Epiphany, SD 57321; Erwin, SD 57233; Esmond, SD 57353; Estelline, SD 57234; Ethan, SD 57334; Eureka, SD 57437; Fairbank, SD 57501; Fairburn, SD 57738; Fairfax, SD 57335; Fairpoint, SD 57785; Fairview, SD 57027; Faith, SD 57626; Farmer, SD 57311; Farmingdale, SD 57725; Faulkton, SD 57438; Fedora, SD 57337; Ferney, SD 57439; Firesteel, SD 57633; Flandreau, SD 57028; Fleming, SD 57738; Florence, SD 57235; Flyger, SD 57036; Foley, SD 57201; Folsom, SD 57744; Forest City, SD 57442; Forestburg, SD 57314; Fort Meade, SD 57741; Fort Pierre, SD 57532; Fort Thompson, SD 57339; Foster, SD 57601; Francis, SD 57501; Frankfort, SD 57440; Franklin, SD 57016; Frederick, SD 57441; Freeman, SD 57029; Fruitdale, SD 57717; Fulton, SD 57340; Game Lodge, SD 57730; Gann Valley, SD 57341; Garden City, SD 57236; Garretson, SD 57030; Gary, SD 57237; Gayville, SD 57031; Geddes, SD 57342; Gettysburg, SD 57442; Gill, SD 57760; Glad Valley, SD 57644; Glen, SD 57471; Glencross, SD 57630; Glendo, SD 57649; Glenham, SD 57631; Goodwin, SD 57238; Gopher, SD 57601; Gorman, SD 57442; Govert, SD 57620; Grashul, SD 57769; Grass Rope, SD 57569; Greenfield, SD 57069; Greenway, SD 57437; Greenwood, SD 57380; Gregory, SD 57533; Grenville, SD 57239; Gretna, SD 57471; Groton, SD 57445; Grover, SD 57201; Gumbo, SD 57791; Gustave, SD 57724; Hamill, SD 57534; Hammer, SD 57255; Harney Peak, SD 57730; Harrington, SD 57551; Harrisburg, SD 57032; Harrison, SD 57344; Harrold, SD 57536; Hartford, SD 57033; Hartley, SD 57553; Hayes, SD 57537; Hayti, SD 57241; Hayward, SD 57744; Hazel, SD 57242; Headlee Ranch, SD 57750; Hecla, SD 57446; Henry, SD 57243; Heppner, SD 57747; Hereford, SD 57785; Hermosa, SD 57744; Herreid, SD 57632; Herrick, SD 57538; Hetland, SD 57212; Hidden Timber, SD 57555; Highmore, SD 57345; Hiles, SD 57577; Hill City, SD 57745; Hilland, SD 57567; Hillhead, SD 57270; Hills, SD 57437; Hillsview, SD 57437; Hilmoe, SD 57568; Hisega, SD 57702; Hisle, SD 57577; Hitchcock, SD 57348; Holabird, SD 57540; Holmquist, SD 57274; Hooker, SD 57070; Hoover, SD 57760; Hosmer, SD 57448; Hot Springs, SD 57747; Houghton, SD 57449; Houston, SD 57544; Hoven, SD 57450; Howard, SD 57349; Howell, SD 57345; Howes, SD 57748; Hub City, SD 57069; Hudson, SD 57034; Huffton, SD 57432; Humboldt, SD 57035; Huntimer, SD 57018; Hurley, SD 57036; Huron, SD 57350, 57399; Huron Colony, SD 57350; Ideal, SD 57541; Imlay, SD 57780; Imogene, SD 57649; Inland, SD 57758; Interior, SD 57750; Iona, SD 57533; Ipswich, SD 57451; Irene, SD 57037; Iron Mountain, SD 57544; Iroquois, SD 57353; Isabel, SD 57633; James, SD 57445; James Valley, SD 57350; Janesville, SD 57067; Janousek, SD 57063; Java, SD 57452; Jefferson, SD 57038; Joe Creek, SD 57536; Johnsonville, SD 57268; Jolly Acres, SD 57701; Joubert, SD 57364; Junction City, SD 57025; Junius, SD 57042; Kadoka, SD 57543; Kampeska, SD 57201; Kary, SD 57559; Kasper, SD 57564; Kaylor, SD 57354; Keldron, SD 57634; Kenel, SD 57642; Kennebec, SD 57544; Keyapaha, SD 57580; Keystone, SD 57751; Kidder, SD 57430; Kimball, SD 57355; Kingsbury, SD 57066; Kirley, SD 57552; Kones Corner, SD 57223; Kranzburg, SD 57245; Kyle, SD 57752; La Plant, SD 57652; Labolt, SD 57246; Lacy, SD 57532; Lake Alvin, SD 57032; Lake Andes, SD 57356; Lake Brandt, SD 57016; Lake Byron, SD 57350; Lake Campbell, SD 57006; Lake City, SD 57247; Lake Herman, SD 57042; Lake Madison, SD 57075; Lake Mitchell, SD 57301; Lake Norden, SD 57248; Lake Poinsett, SD 57212; Lake Preston, SD 57233, 57249; Lake Sinai, SD 57061; Lakeport, SD 57063; Lane, SD 57358; Langford, SD 57454; Lantry, SD 57636; Laroche, SD 57532; Lauzen, SD 57735; Lead, SD 57754; Lebanon, SD 57455; Lemmon, SD 57638; Lennox, SD 57039; Leola, SD 57456; Lesterville, SD 57040; Letcher, SD 57359; Lightcap, SD 57633; Lily, SD 57274; Linden Beach, SD 57227; Lindsey, SD 57532; Little Eagle, SD 57639; Lodgepole, SD 57640; Long Valley, SD 57547; Longlake, SD 57457; Loomis, SD 57301; Lower Brule, SD 57548; Lowry, SD 57472; Loyalton, SD 57471; Lucas, SD 57523; Ludlow, SD 57755; Lyman, SD 57569; Lyons, SD 57041; Lyonville, SD 57355; Madison, SD 57042; Madsen Beach, SD 57279; Manchester, SD 57353; Manderson, SD 57756; Mansfield, SD 57460; Maple Leaf, SD 57642; Marcus, SD 57785; Marcy Colony, SD 57366; Marion, SD 57043; Martin, SD 57551; Marty, SD 57361; Marvin, SD 57251; Mason, SD 57717; Maurine, SD 57626; Maverick, SD 57747; Mayfield, SD 57037; McClure, SD 57576; McCook Lake, SD 57049; McIntosh, SD 57641; McLaughlin, SD 57642; Meadow, SD 57644; Meckling, SD 57069; Mellette, SD 57461; Menno, SD 57045; Midland, SD 57552; Midway, SD 57070; Milbank, SD 57252, 57253; Milesville, SD 57553; Millboro, SD 57580; Miller, SD 57362; Milltown, SD 57366; Mina, SD 57451; Minnekata, SD 57747; Miranda, SD 57438; Mission, SD 57555; Mission Hill, SD 57046; Mission Ridge, SD 57532; Mitchell, SD 57301; Mobridge, SD 57601, 57659; Moe, SD 57034; Moenville, SD 57552; Monroe, SD 57047; Montrose, SD 57048; Moreau, SD 57626; Morristown, SD 57645; Mosher, SD 57580; Mound City, SD 57646; Mount Vernon, SD 57363; Mud Butte, SD 57758; Murdo, SD 57559; Mystic, SD 57745; Naomi, SD 57039; Naples, SD 57271; Nemo, SD 57759; New Effington, SD 57255; New Holland, SD 57364; New Underwood, SD 57761; Newark, SD 57430; Newell, SD 57760; Nisland, SD 57762; Nora, SD 57001; Norbeck, SD 57438; Norman Ranch, SD 57532; Norris, SD 57560; North Sioux City, SD 57049; Northville, SD 57465; Norway Center, SD 57034; Nowlin, SD 57552; Nunda, SD 57050; Oacoma, SD 57365; Oahe, SD 57501; Oakwood Lake, SD 57220; Oelrichs, SD 57763, 57782; Oglala, SD 57764; Ohem, SD 57623; Okaton, SD 57562; Okobojo, SD 57501; Okreek, SD 57563; Ola, SD 57325; Old Town, SD 57701; Oldham, SD 57051; Olivet, SD 57052; Olson, SD 57755; Olsonville, SD 57555; Onaka, SD 57466; Onida, SD 57564; Opal, SD 57758; Oral, SD 57766; Ordway, SD 57401; Orient, SD 57467; Orland, SD 57042; Ortley, SD 57256; Orton, SD 57532; Ottumwa, SD 57552; Owanka, SD 57767; Pactola Lake, SD 57702; Palisade, SD 57030; Parade, SD 57625; Parker, SD 57053; Parkston, SD 57366; Parmelee, SD 57566; Patricia, SD 57551; Paxton, SD 57529; Paytrust, SD 57186; Peever, SD 57257; Pelican, SD 57201; Philip, SD 57567; Pickstown, SD 57367; Piedmont, SD 57769; Pierpont, SD 57468; Pierre, SD 57501; Pine Ridge, SD 57770; Pine Run, SD 57555; Plainview, SD 57748; Plankinton, SD 57368; Plano, SD 57340; Platte, SD 57369; Plum Creek, SD 57567; Pluma, SD 57732; Pollock, SD 57648; Polo, SD 57467; Porcupine, SD 57772; Potato Creek, SD 57750; Powell, SD 57451; Prairie City, SD 57649; Presho, SD 57568; Pringle, SD 57773; Promise, SD 57601; Provo, SD 57735; Pukwana, SD 57370; Putney, SD 57445; Quinn, SD 57775; Ralph, SD 57650; Ramona, SD 57054; Ramsey, SD 57048; Randolph, SD 57474; Rapid City, SD 57701, 57702, 57703, 57709; Rauville, SD 57201; Ravinia, SD 57356; Raymond, SD 57258; Red Elm, SD 57623; Red Iron Lake, SD 57247; Red Owl, SD 57787; Red Scaffold, SD 57748; Red Shirt, SD 57744; Redfield, SD 57469; Redig, SD 57776; Ree Heights, SD 57371; Reliance, SD 57569; Renner, SD 57020, 57055; Reva, SD 57651; Revillo, SD 57259; Richland, SD 57025; Ridgeview, SD 57652; Robey, SD 57383; Rochford, SD 57745; Rockerville, SD 57701, 57702; Rockham, SD 57470; Rockyford, SD 57772; Roland Colony, SD 57276; Roscoe, SD 57471; Rosebud, SD 57570; Rosholt, SD 57260; Roslyn, SD 57261; Roswell, SD 57349; Roubaix, SD 57732; Rousseau, SD 57501; Rowena, SD 57005; Rumpus Ridge, SD 57012; Running Water, SD 57062; Rutland, SD 57057; Saint Charles, SD 57571; Saint Francis, SD 57572; Saint Joseph Indian School, SD 57326; Saint Lawrence, SD 57373; Saint Onge, SD 57779; Salem, SD 57058; Sanator, SD 57730; Sand Lake, SD 57433; Sansarc, SD 57537; Savoy, SD 57754; Scenic, SD 57780; Scotland, SD 57059; Selby, SD 57472; Seneca, SD 57473; Shadehill, SD 57638; Shady Beach, SD 57227; Sharps Corner, SD 57772; Shelby, SD 57370; Sherman, SD 57030; Shindler, SD 57106; Silver City, SD 57702; Silver Lake, SD 57319; Sinai, SD 57061; Sioux Falls, SD 57101, 57103, 57104, 57105, 57106, 57107, 57108, 57109, 57110, 57117, 57118, 57186, 57188, 57189, 57192, 57193, 57194, 57196, 57197, 57198; Sisseton, SD 57262; Sitka, SD 57472; Sky Ranch, SD 57724; Smiths Park, SD 57075; Smithwick, SD 57782; Sodak Park, SD 57279; South Shore, SD 57263; Spain, SD 57430; Spearfish, SD 57783, 57799; Spearfish Canyon, SD 57754; Spencer, SD 57374; Spink, SD 57025; Spink Colony, SD 57440; Spirit Lake, SD 57233; Spottwood, SD 57476; Spring Creek, SD 57572; Springfield, SD 57062; Stamford, SD 57552; Standing Rock, SD 57658; Standing Rock Reservation, SD 57625; Stanley Corner, SD 57319; Stephan, SD 57346; Stickney, SD 57375; Stockholm, SD 57264; Stoneville, SD 57787; Storla, SD 57359; Strandburg, SD 57265; Stratford, SD 57474; Strool, SD 57649; Sturgis, SD 57785; Summerset, SD 57718, 57769; Summit, SD 57266; Sunset Colony, SD 57430; Swan Lake, SD 57070; Sweeney, SD 57568; Swett, SD 57551; Sylvan Lake, SD 57730; Tabor, SD 57063; Tacoma Park, SD 57433; Tea, SD 57064; Tekakwitha, SD 57262; Tennis, SD 57345; Terraville, SD 57754; Terry Peak, SD 57754; Thomas, SD 57241; Thunder Hawk, SD 57638; Tilford, SD 57769; Tilton, SD 57754; Timber Lake, SD 57656; Tolstoy, SD 57475; Toronto, SD 57268; Trail City, SD 57657; Trent, SD 57065; Tripp, SD 57376; Trojan, SD 57754; Troy, SD 57265; Tulare, SD 57476; Tunnerville, SD 57226; Turkey Ridge, SD 57036; Turton, SD 57477; Tuthill, SD 57574; Twin Brooks, SD 57269; Tyndall, SD 57066; Union Center, SD 57787; Unityville, SD 57058; Usta, SD 57626; Utica, SD 57067; Vale, SD 57788; Valley Springs, SD 57068; Van Metre, SD 57559; Vayland, SD 57381; Veblen, SD 57270; Verdon, SD 57434; Vermillion, SD 57069; Vetal, SD 57551; Viborg, SD 57070; Victor, SD 57260; Vienna, SD 57271; Viewfield, SD 57761; Vilas, SD 57349; Virgil, SD 57379; Vivian, SD 57576; Volga, SD 57071; Volin, SD 57072; Volunteer, SD 57785; Wagner, SD 57361, 57380; Wakonda, SD 57073; Wakpala, SD 57658; Walker, SD 57659; Wall, SD 57790; Wall Lake, SD 57033; Wallace, SD 57272; Wanamaker, SD 57560; Wanblee, SD 57577; Ward, SD 57026; Warner, SD 57479; Wasta, SD 57767, 57791; Watauga, SD 57660; Watertown, SD 57201; Waubay, SD 57273; Waverly, SD 57201; Weaver, SD 57580; Webster, SD 57274; Wecota, SD 57438; Wellington, SD 57035; Wendt, SD 57501; Wentworth, SD 57075; Wessington Springs, SD 57381, 57382; Westerville, SD 57069; Westover, SD 57579; Westport, SD 57481; Wetonka, SD 57481; Wewela, SD 57580; White, SD 57276; White Butte, SD 57638; White Lake, SD 57383; White Owl, SD 57792; White River, SD 57579; Whitehorse, SD 57661; Whitewood, SD 57793; Wicksville, SD 57767; Willet, SD 57717; Willow Lake, SD 57278; Wilmot, SD 57279; Wilson Corner, SD 57755; Winfred, SD 57076; Winner, SD 57580; Witten, SD 57584; Wittenberg, SD 57052; Wolsey, SD 57384; Wood, SD 57585; Woonsocket, SD 57385; Worthing, SD 57077; Wounded Knee, SD 57794; Yale, SD 57386; Yankton, SD 57078; Yankton Indian Reservation, SD 57570; Zell, SD 57469. Rite Time System patients in South Dakota have also benefitted from enhanced faceprone posturing.
International patients in Puerto Rico, Canada (Quebec, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia), Mexico, United Kingdom, Philippines, Ireland, Australia, Israel, Hong Kong, India, Saudi Arabia (to name just a few international locations) have valued and appreciated using the RiteTime System including the Make It Rite Mirror and regaining their eyesight.
Vitreo-retinal ophthalmologist eye surgeons perform a vitrectomy to repair detached retina or a retinal macular hole. The Rite Time® Make It Rite Mirror is the solution for the necessary face prone prescribed posture. Patients have appreciated using the RiteTime® Make It Rite Mirror and have successfully maintained facedown positioning 24/7 for as long as necessary to regain their eyesight.
You will appreciate the vitrectomy facedown comfort solutions the Rite Time® Make It Rite Mirror affords you or your loved one for facedown vitrectomy eyesight recovery.
To order and/or discuss the Rite Time® Make It Rite Mirror, or the RiteTime Rental Option, call Sandra at RiteTime® at 1.800.266.2924 or 1.480.832.1592 or email me at [email protected].
We look forward to assisting you or your loved one regain eyesight.
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