Local to You, Your IA Local Vitrectomy Face Down Solution
This page shows some of the locations specifically in Iowa where your Vitrectomy Solution can be delivered.
Next day delivery is possible to most addresses in the U.S. Ground ship is currently discounted and typically arrives within 2 or 3 business days. RiteTime continues to offer vitrectomy solutions for facedown recovery patients worldwide.
For 30+ years Rite Time has provided face down vitrectomy recovery support solutions based on Mr. Al Heitz' personal successful macular hole vitrectomy recovery.
Please check out the other pages in this website for specifics on RiteTime pricing and ordering and encouragement for how to maintain strict facedown positioning for vitrectomy retina surgery eyesight recovery.
RiteTime now offers both the Make It Rite Mirror and a Rental Option that includes a seated support (similar to Oakworks® or Earthlite® massage chair), a vitrectomy mirror, pillows and cushions, and a support to use on a bed for sleeping. The facedown solutions can also be used in an automobile or on a table top to allow for mobility. local to you in Iowa
Next day delivery is possible to most addresses in the U.S. Ground ship is currently discounted and typically arrives within 2 or 3 business days. RiteTime continues to offer vitrectomy solutions for facedown recovery patients worldwide.
For 30+ years Rite Time has provided face down vitrectomy recovery support solutions based on Mr. Al Heitz' personal successful macular hole vitrectomy recovery.
Please check out the other pages in this website for specifics on RiteTime pricing and ordering and encouragement for how to maintain strict facedown positioning for vitrectomy retina surgery eyesight recovery.
RiteTime now offers both the Make It Rite Mirror and a Rental Option that includes a seated support (similar to Oakworks® or Earthlite® massage chair), a vitrectomy mirror, pillows and cushions, and a support to use on a bed for sleeping. The facedown solutions can also be used in an automobile or on a table top to allow for mobility. local to you in Iowa
The Make It Rite Mirror and the RiteTime Rental Option are local to you in Iowa and elsewhere:
The Rite Time Make It Rite Mirror and the RiteTime Rental Option can be delivered within a week to most locations. Next day delivery is usually available including Saturday if necessary. Rite Time Make It Rite Mirror is your local vitrectomy support system solution for facedown recovery wherever you are. RiteTime has assisted customers from all 50 states of the USA, from Anchorage, Alaska to Zephyrhills, Florida; from Bangor, Maine to San Diego, California; Key West, Florida to Honolulu. Hawaii; and everyplace in between, and many international locations as well. Give us a call. Rite Time has assisted patients of Retinal Vitreous Specialists, Consultants, Associates, Groups all over the United States and abroad to optimize their prescribed facedown positioning, vitrectomy recovery and successfully regain their eyesight. At the bottom of this page is a partial listing of locations where Rite Time provides vitrectomy patients face down support. Order your Rite Time Face Down Eyesight Make It Rite Mirror or arrange for your RiteTime Rental Option by calling 1.800.266.2924.
The Rite Time Make It Rite Mirror is a comfort solution to help other vitrectomy patients successfully regain their eyesight. Everything that had been included in Rite Time System package including the Make It Rite Mirror was included and was specifically designed based on Al Heitz's personal experience of maintaining face down positioning 24/7 for two weeks and successfully regaining his eyesight following his macular hole retina surgery; and from assisting other vitrectomy patients.
The Rite Time Make It Rite Mirror is affordable for even patients who are on the lowest, fixed income. We accept VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express.
The Rite Time Make It Rite Mirror (facedown mirror / vitrectomy mirror) is a comfort package designed to help vitrectomy patients successfully comply with doctor prescribed face down position to enhance their successful, optimal eyesight recovery.
We look forward to assisting you or your loved one regain their eyesight. Call us at 1.800.266.2924 or email me at [email protected].
The Rite Time Face Down Vitrectomy Support Recovery Make It Rite Mirror and the rental package can and has been delivered:
Alabama, AL; Alaska, AK; Arizona, AZ; Arkansas, AR; California, CA; Colorado, CO; Connecticut, CT; Delaware, DE; District of Columbia, DC; Florida, FL; Georgia, GA; Hawaii, HI; Idaho, ID; Illinois, IL; Indiana, IN; Iowa, IA; Kansas, KS; Kentucky, KY; Louisiana, LA; Maine, ME; Maryland, MD; Massachusetts, MA; Michigan, MI; Minnesota, MN; Mississippi, MI; Missouri, MO; Montana, MT; Nebraska, NE; Nevada, NV; New Hampshire, NH; New Jersey, NJ; New Mexico, NM; New York, NY; North Carolina, NC; North Dakota, ND; Ohio, OH; Oklahoma, OK; Oregon, OR; Pennsylvania, PA; Rhode Island, RI; South Carolina, SC; South Dakota, SD; Tennessee, TN; Texas, TX; Utah, UT; Vermont, VT; Virginia, VA; Washington, WA; West Virginia, WV; Wisconsin, WI; Wyoming, WY; and Guam; Puerto Rico, PR; and the Virgin Islands VI.
A more comprehensive breakdown listing of where next day facedown recovery equipment can be delivered in Iowa includes:
Iowa: Abingdon, IA 52533; Ackley, IA 50601; Ackworth, IA 50001; Adair, IA 50002; Adaville, IA 51062; Adel, IA 50003; Adventureland Estates, IA 50009; Aegon USA, IA 52499; Afton, IA 50830; Agency, IA 52530; Ainsworth, IA 52201; Akron, IA 51001; Albany, IA 52142; Albert City, IA 50510; Albia, IA 52531; Albion, IA 50005; Alburnett, IA 52202; Alden, IA 50006; Alexander, IA 50420; Algona, IA 50511; Alleman, IA 50007; Allendorf, IA 51354; Allerton, IA 50008; Allison, IA 50602; Alpha, IA 52171; Alta Vista, IA 50603; Alta, IA 51002; Alton, IA 51003; Altoona, IA 50009; Alvord, IA 51230; Amana, IA 52203, 52204; Amber, IA 52205; Amboy, IA 50208; Ames, IA 50010, 50011, 50012, 50013, 50014; Anamosa, IA 52205; Andover, IA 52701; Andrew, IA 52030; Anita, IA 50020; Ankeny, IA 50021, 50023; Anthon, IA 51004; Aplington, IA 50604; Arbor Hill, IA 50250; Arcadia, IA 51430; Archer, IA 51231; Aredale, IA 50605; Argyle, IA 52619, 52625; Arion, IA 51520; Arispe, IA 50831; Arlington, IA 50606; Armstrong, IA 50514; Arnolds Park, IA 51331; Artesian, IA 50677; Arthur, IA 51431; Asbury, IA 52002; Ashton, IA 51232; Aspinwall, IA 51432; Atalissa, IA 52720; Athlestan, IA 50836; Atkins, IA 52206; Atlantic, IA 50022; Auburn, IA 51433; Audubon, IA 50025; Aurelia, IA 51005; Aureola, IA 50653; Aurora, IA 50607; Austinville, IA 50608; Avery, IA 52531; Avoca, IA 51521; Avon Lake, IA 50047; Avon, IA 50047; Ayrshire, IA 50515; Badger, IA 50516; Bagley, IA 50026; Baldwin, IA 52207; Bancroft, IA 50517; Bankston, IA 52045; Barnes City, IA 50027; Barney, IA 50149; Barnum, IA 50518; Barrett Superette, IA 50164; Bartlett, IA 51654; Bassett, IA 50645; Batavia, IA 52533; Battle Creek, IA 51006; Baxter, IA 50028; Bayard, IA 50029; Beacon, IA 52534; Beaconsfield, IA 50074; Beaman, IA 50609; Beaver, IA 50031; Beaverdale Heights, IA 52655; Beckwith, IA 52556; Bedford, IA 50833; Beech, IA 50225; Bel Air Beach, IA 50588; Belle Plaine, IA 52208; Bellevue, IA 52031; Belmond, IA 50421; Bennett, IA 52721; Benton, IA 50835; Berea, IA 50020; Berkley, IA 50220; Bernard, IA 52032; Berne, IA 51060; Berwick, IA 50032; Bethlehem, IA 50238; Bettendorf, IA 52722; Bevington, IA 50033; Big Rock, IA 52745; Birmingham, IA 52535; Blackhawk Village, IA 50613; Bladensburg, IA 52501; Blairsburg, IA 50034; Blairstown, IA 52209; Blakesburg, IA 52536; Blanchard, IA 51630; Blencoe, IA 51523; Blockton, IA 50836; Bloomfield, IA 52537; Blue Grass, IA 52726; Bluff Park, IA 52639; Bluffton, IA 52101; Bode, IA 50519; Bolan, IA 50448; Bonair, IA 52155; Bonaparte, IA 52620; Bondurant, IA 50035; Boone, IA 50036, 50037, 50099; Booneville, IA 50038; Botna, IA 51454; Bouton, IA 50039; Boxholm, IA 50040; Boyd, IA 50659; Boyden, IA 51234; Boyer, IA 51448; Braddyville, IA 51631; Bradford, IA 50041; Bradgate, IA 50520; Brainard, IA 52141; Brandon, IA 52210; Brayton, IA 50042; Brazil, IA 52574; Breda, IA 51436; Bremer, IA 50677; Bridge Port, IA 52553; Bridgewater, IA 50837; Brighton, IA 52540; Bristow, IA 50611; Britt, IA 50423; Bronson, IA 51007; Brooklyn, IA 52211; Brooks, IA 50841; Brookside, IA 50613; Brunsville, IA 51008; Brushy, IA 50532; Bryant, IA 52727; Buchanan, IA 52772; Buck Grove, IA 51528; Buckcreek, IA 50674; Buckeye, IA 50006, 50043; Buckingham, IA 50612; Buffalo Center, IA 50424; Buffalo, IA 52728; Burchinal, IA 50469; Burlington, IA 52601; Burnside, IA 50521; Burr Oak, IA 52101; Burt, IA 50522; Bussey, IA 50044; Cairo, IA 52738; Calamus, IA 52729; Callender, IA 50523; Calmar, IA 52132; Calumet, IA 51009; Camanche, IA 52730; Cambria, IA 50060; Cambridge, IA 50046; Camp Dodge, IA 50131; Canby, IA 50048; Canton, IA 52309; Cantril, IA 52542, 52573; Capitol Heights, IA 50317; Carbon, IA 50839; Carbondale, IA 50317; Carl, IA 50841; Carlisle, IA 50047; Carmel, IA 51247; Carnarvon, IA 51450; Carnes, IA 51003; Carney, IA 50021; Carnforth, IA 52347; Carpenter, IA 50426; Carroll, IA 51401; Carson, IA 51525; Carter Lake, IA 51510; Cartersville, IA 50469; Cascade, IA 52033; Casey, IA 50048; Casino Beach, IA 50588; Castalia, IA 52133; Castana, IA 51010; Cedar Bluff, IA 52772; Cedar City, IA 50613; Cedar Falls, IA 50613, 50614; Cedar Rapids, IA 52401, 52402, 52403, 52404, 52405, 52406, 52407, 52408, 52409, 52410, 52411, 52497, 52498, 52499; Cedar Valley, IA 52358; Cedar, IA 52543; Center Grove, IA 52001; Center Junction, IA 52212; Center Point, IA 52213; Centerdale, IA 52776; Centerville, IA 52544; Central City, IA 52214; Central Heights, IA 50401; Centralia, IA 52068; Chapin, IA 50427; Chariton, IA 50049; Charles City, IA 50616, 50620; Charleston, IA 52619; Charlotte, IA 52731; Charter Oak, IA 51439; Chatsworth, IA 51011; Chelsea, IA 52215; Cherokee, IA 51012; Chester, IA 52134; Chickasaw, IA 50645; Chillicothe, IA 52548; Church, IA 52151; Churchville, IA 50211; Churdan, IA 50050; Cincinnati, IA 52549; Clare, IA 50524; Clarence, IA 52216; Clarinda, IA 51632; Clarion, IA 50525, 50526; Clarksville, IA 50619; Clayton Center, IA 52043; Clayton, IA 52049; Clayworks, IA 50501; Clear Creek, IA 52248; Clear Lake, IA 50428; Clearfield, IA 50840; Cleghorn, IA 51014; Clemons, IA 50051; Clermont, IA 52135; Cleves, IA 50601; Cliffland, IA 52501; Climbing Hill, IA 51015, 51026; Clinton, IA 52732, 52733, 52734, 52736, 52771; Clio, IA 50052; Clive, IA 50324, 50325; Cloverdale, IA 51249; Clutier, IA 52217; Clyde, IA 50055; Coal Creek, IA 50268; Coalville, IA 50501; Coggon, IA 52218; Coin, IA 51636; Colesburg, IA 52035; Colfax, IA 50054; College Springs, IA 51637; College Square, IA 50613; Collins, IA 50055; Colo, IA 50056; Columbia, IA 50057; Columbus City, IA 52737; Columbus Junction, IA 52738; Colwell, IA 50620; Communia, IA 52043; Conesville, IA 52739; Conger, IA 50240; Conover, IA 52132; Conrad, IA 50621; Conroy, IA 52220; Conway, IA 50833; Cool, IA 50125; Coon Rapids, IA 50058; Cooper, IA 50059; Coppock, IA 52654; Coralville, IA 52241; Cornelia, IA 50525; Cornell, IA 50585; Corning, IA 50841; Correctionville, IA 51016; Corwith, IA 50430; Corydon, IA 50060; Cosgrove, IA 52322; Cotter, IA 52738; Cou Falls, IA 52338; Coulter, IA 50431; Council Bluffs, IA 51501, 51502, 51503; Covington, IA 52324; Crandalls Lodge, IA 51360; Cranston, IA 52754; Crawfordsville, IA 52621; Crescent, IA 51526; Cresco, IA 52136; Creston, IA 50801; Crocker, IA 50226; Cromwell, IA 50842; Crossroads Center, IA 50501; Crystal Lake, IA 50432; Cumberland, IA 50843; Cumming, IA 50061; Curlew, IA 50527; Cushing, IA 51018; Cylinder, IA 50528; Dahlonega, IA 52501; Dakota City, IA 50529; Dalby, IA 52170; Dale, IA 50250; Dallas Center, IA 50063; Dallas, IA 50062; Dana, IA 50064; Danbury, IA 51019; Danville, IA 52623; Davenport, IA 52801, 52802, 52803, 52804, 52805, 52806, 52807, 52808, 52809; Davis City, IA 50065; Dawson, IA 50066; Dayton, IA 50530; Daytonville, IA 52356; De Soto, IA 50069; De Witt, IA 52742; Dean, IA 52572; Decatur, IA 50067; Decorah, IA 52101; Dedham, IA 51440; Deep River, IA 52222; Defiance, IA 51527; Delaware, IA 52036, 52057; Delhi, IA 52223; Delmar, IA 52037; Deloit, IA 51441; Delphos, IA 50860; Delta, IA 52550; Denhart, IA 50447; Denison, IA 51442; Denmark, IA 52624; Denver, IA 50622; Derby, IA 50068; Des Moines, IA 50301, 50302, 50303, 50304, 50305, 50306, 50307, 50308, 50309, 50310, 50311, 50312, 50313, 50314, 50315, 50316, 50317, 50318, 50319, 50320, 50321, 50322, 50323, 50324, 50325, 50327, 50328, 50329, 50330, 50331, 50332, 50333, 50334, 50335, 50336, 50339, 50340, 50347, 50359, 50360, 50361, 50362, 50363, 50364, 50367, 50368, 50369, 50380, 50381, 50391, 50392, 50393, 50394, 50395, 50396, 50397, 50398, 50936, 50940, 50947, 50950, 50980, 50981; Dewar, IA 50623; Dewitt, IA 52742; Dexter, IA 50070; Diagonal, IA 50845; Diamond Center, IA 51005; Dickens, IA 51333; Dike, IA 50624; Dinsdale, IA 50669; Dixon, IA 52745; Dodgeville, IA 52650; Dolliver, IA 50531; Donahue, IA 52746; Donnan, IA 52142; Donnellson, IA 52625; Doon, IA 51235; Dorchester, IA 52140; Doris, IA 50644; Douds, IA 52551; Dougherty, IA 50433; Douglas, IA 52175; Dow City, IA 51528; Downey, IA 52358; Dows, IA 50071; Drakesville, IA 52552; Dubuque, IA 52001, 52002, 52003, 52004, 52099; Dudley, IA 52501; Dumont, IA 50625; Duncan, IA 50423; Duncombe, IA 50532; Dundee, IA 52038; Dunkerton, IA 50626; Dunlap, IA 51529; Durango, IA 52039; Durant, IA 52747; Durham, IA 50119; Dutchtown, IA 52057; Dyersville, IA 52040; Dysart, IA 52224; Eagle Grove, IA 50533; Eagle Point, IA 52001; Earl May Seed, IA 51603; Earlham, IA 50072; Earling, IA 51530; Earlville, IA 52041; Early, IA 50535; East Amana, IA 52203; East Des Moines, IA 50309; East Pleasant Plain, IA 52540; Eddyville, IA 52553; Edgewood, IA 52042, 52044; Edna, IA 51246; Egan, IA 52146; Egralharve, IA 51360; Elberon, IA 52225; Eldon, IA 52554; Eldora, IA 50627; Eldorado, IA 52175; Eldridge, IA 52748; Elgin, IA 52141; Elk Horn, IA 51531; Elk Run Heights, IA 50707; Elk Run Hgts, IA 50707; Elkader, IA 52043; Elkhart, IA 50073; Elkport, IA 52044; Elliott, IA 51532; Ellston, IA 50074; Ellsworth, IA 50075; Elma, IA 50628; Elon, IA 52170; Elrick, IA 52653; Elvira, IA 52732; Elwood, IA 52254; Ely, IA 52227; Emeline, IA 52207; Emerson, IA 51533; Emery, IA 50401; Emmetsburg, IA 50536; Enterprise, IA 50073; Epworth, IA 52045; Essex, IA 51638; Estherville, IA 51334; Evans Junction, IA 52534; Evans, IA 52577; Evansdale, IA 50707; Evanston, IA 50532; Everly, IA 51338; Ewart, IA 50171; Exira, IA 50076; Exline, IA 52555; Fairbank, IA 50629; Fairfax, IA 52228; Fairfield, IA 52556, 52557; Fairview, IA 52205; Farley, IA 52046; Farmersburg, IA 52047; Farmington, IA 52626; Farnhamville, IA 50538; Farragut, IA 51639; Farrar, IA 50161; Farson, IA 52563; Faulkner, IA 50601; Fayette, IA 52142; Fenton, IA 50539; Ferguson, IA 50078; Fern, IA 50665; Fernald, IA 50201; Fertile, IA 50434; Festina, IA 52144; Fillmore, IA 52033; Finchford, IA 50647; Fiscus, IA 50025; Florenceville, IA 52136; Floris, IA 52560; Floyd, IA 50435; Folletts, IA 52730; Fonda, IA 50540; Fontanelle, IA 50846; Forest City, IA 50436; Fort Atkinson, IA 52144; Fort Dodge, IA 50501; Fort Madison, IA 52627; Fostoria, IA 51340; Four Corners, IA 52635; Franklin, IA 52625; Frankville, IA 52162; Fredericksburg, IA 50630; Frederika, IA 50631; Fredonia, IA 52738; Freeman, IA 50401; Freeport, IA 52101; Fremont, IA 52561; Froelich, IA 52047; Fruitland, IA 52749; Frytown, IA 52247; Fulton, IA 52060; Galbraith, IA 50560; Galesburg, IA 50232; Galland, IA 52639; Galt, IA 50101; Galva, IA 51020; Gambrill, IA 52756; Garber, IA 52048; Garden City, IA 50102; Garden Grove, IA 50103; Gardiner, IA 50039; Garfield, IA 52574; Garnavillo, IA 52049; Garner, IA 50438; Garrison, IA 52229; Garwin, IA 50632; Gaza, IA 51245; Geneva, IA 50633; Genoa Bluff, IA 52301; George, IA 51237; Georgetown, IA 52531; German Valley, IA 50480; Germantown, IA 51046; Germanville, IA 52540; Giard, IA 52157; Gibson, IA 50104; Gifford, IA 50259; Gilbert, IA 50105; Gilbertville, IA 50634; Gillett Grove, IA 51341; Gilman, IA 50106; Gilmore City, IA 50541; Gladbrook, IA 50635; Gladwin, IA 52738; Glasgow, IA 52556; Glendon, IA 50164; Glenwood, IA 51534; Glidden, IA 51443; Goddard, IA 50054; Goldfield, IA 50542; Goodell, IA 50439; Goose Lake, IA 52750; Gooselake, IA 52750; Gowrie, IA 50543; Grace Hill, IA 52353; Graettinger, IA 51342; Grafton, IA 50440; Grand Junction, IA 50107; Grand Mound, IA 52751; Grand River, IA 50108; Grandview, IA 52752; Granger, IA 50109; Granite, IA 51241; Grant City, IA 51433; Grant, IA 50847; Granville, IA 51022; Gravity, IA 50848; Gray, IA 50110; Greeley, IA 52050; Green Castle, IA 50054; Green Island, IA 52064; Green Mountain, IA 50632; Greene, IA 50636; Greenfield, IA 50849; Greenville, IA 51343; Grimes, IA 50111; Grinnell, IA 50112; Griswold, IA 51535; Grundy Center, IA 50638; Gruver, IA 51334; Guernsey, IA 52221; Gunder, IA 52162; Guss, IA 50857; Guthrie Center, IA 50115; Guttenberg, IA 52052; Halbur, IA 51432, 51444; Hale, IA 52362; Hamburg, IA 51640; Hamilton, IA 50116; Hamlin, IA 50117; Hampton, IA 50441; Hancock, IA 51536; Hanford, IA 50401; Hanley, IA 50240; Hanlontown, IA 50444; Hanna, IA 50560; Hanover, IA 51002; Hansell, IA 50441; Harcourt, IA 50544; Hardin, IA 52156; Hardy, IA 50545; Harlan, IA 51537, 51593; Harper, IA 52231; Harpers Ferry, IA 52146; Harris, IA 51345; Hartford, IA 50118; Hartley, IA 51346; Hartwick, IA 52232; Harvard, IA 50008; Harvester, IA 50234; Harvey, IA 50119; Haskins, IA 52201; Hastings, IA 51540; Hauntown, IA 52732; Havelock, IA 50546; Haven, IA 52339; Haverhill, IA 50120; Hawarden, IA 51011, 51023; Hawkeye, IA 52147; Hayesville, IA 52562; Hayfield, IA 50438; Hazel Green, IA 52223; Hazleton, IA 50641; Hebron, IA 50858; Hedrick, IA 52563; Henderson, IA 51541; Herrold, IA 50111; Hesper, IA 52101; Hiawatha, IA 52233; High Amana, IA 52203; High Point, IA 50103; High, IA 52203; Highland Park, IA 50313; Highlandville, IA 52149; Hills, IA 52235; Hillsboro, IA 52630; Hinton, IA 51024; Hiteman, IA 52531; Hobarton, IA 50511; Holbrook, IA 52325; Holiday Lake, IA 52211; Holland, IA 50642; Holmes, IA 50525; Holstein, IA 51025; Holy Cross, IA 52053, 52066; Homestead, IA 52236; Honey Creek, IA 51542; Hopeville, IA 50174; Hopkinton, IA 52237; Hornick, IA 51026; Horton, IA 50677; Hospers, IA 51238; Houghton, IA 52631; Howe, IA 50250; Hubbard, IA 50122; Hudson, IA 50643; Hull, IA 51239; Humboldt, IA 50548; Humeston, IA 50123; Huron, IA 52646; Hurstville, IA 52060; Hutchins, IA 50423; Huxley, IA 50124; Iconium, IA 52571; Ida Grove, IA 51445; Imogene, IA 51645; Independence, IA 50644; Indian Creek, IA 52302; Indianapolis, IA 50268; Indianola, IA 50125; Industry, IA 50540; Inwood, IA 51240; Ionia, IA 50645; Iowa Center, IA 50161; Iowa City, IA 52240, 52241, 52242, 52243, 52244, 52245, 52246; Iowa Falls, IA 50126; Ira, IA 50127; Ireton, IA 51027; Ironhills, IA 52060; Irvington, IA 50560; Irwin, IA 51446; Ivy, IA 50009; Jackson Junction, IA 52171; Jamaica, IA 50128; James, IA 51108; Jamison, IA 50210; Janesville, IA 50647; Jefferson, IA 50129; Jerico, IA 50659; Jesup, IA 50648; Jewell, IA 50130; Joetown, IA 52247; Johnston, IA 50131; Joice, IA 50446; Jolley, IA 50551; Julien, IA 52001; Juniata, IA 50588; Kalona, IA 52247; Kamrar, IA 50132; Kanawha, IA 50447; Kellerton, IA 50133; Kelley, IA 50134; Kellogg, IA 50135; Kendallville, IA 52136; Kensett, IA 50448; Kent, IA 50851; Keokuk, IA 52632; Keomah, IA 52577; Keosauqua, IA 52565; Keota, IA 52248; Kesley, IA 50649; Keswick, IA 50136; Key West, IA 52001; Keystone, IA 52249; Kilbourn, IA 52535; Killduff, IA 50137; Kimballton, IA 51543; Kingsley, IA 51028; Kingston, IA 52637; Kinross, IA 52335; Kirkman, IA 51447; Kirkville, IA 52566; Kiron, IA 51448; Klemme, IA 50449; Klinger, IA 50668; Knierim, IA 50552; Knittel, IA 50668; Knoke, IA 50575; Knoxville, IA 50138; Kossuth, IA 52637; Koszta, IA 52208; La Motte, IA 52054; La Porte City, IA 50651; Lacey, IA 50207; Lacona, IA 50139; Ladora, IA 52251; Lake City, IA 51449; Lake Mills, IA 50450; Lake Panorama, IA 50216; Lake Park, IA 51347; Lake View, IA 51450; Lakeside, IA 50588; Lakewood, IA 50211; Lakota, IA 50451; Lambs Grove, IA 50208; Lamoni, IA 50140; Lamont, IA 50650; Lancaster, IA 52591; Lanedale, IA 50579; Lanesboro, IA 51451; Langworthy, IA 52252; Lansing, IA 52151; Lanyon, IA 50544; Laporte City, IA 50651; Larchwood, IA 51241; Larrabee, IA 51029; Last Chance, IA 50068; Latimer, IA 50452; Laurel, IA 50141; Laurens, IA 50554; Lavinia, IA 50579; Lawler, IA 52154; Lawn Hill, IA 50206; Lawton, IA 51030; Le Roy, IA 50123; Leando, IA 52551; Lebanon, IA 51250; LeClaire, IA 52753; Ledyard, IA 50556; LeGrand, IA 50142; Lehigh, IA 50557; Leighton, IA 50143; Leland, IA 50453; LeMars, IA 51031; Lenox, IA 50851; Leon, IA 50144; Lester, IA 51242; Letts, IA 52754; Lewis, IA 51544; Liberty Center, IA 50145; Liberty, IA 50210; Libertyville, IA 52567; Lidderdale, IA 51452; Lima, IA 52142; Limby, IA 52580; Lime City, IA 52778; Lime Springs, IA 52155; Lincoln, IA 50652; Linden, IA 50146; Lineville, IA 50147; Linn Grove, IA 51033; Lisbon, IA 52253; Liscomb, IA 50148; Little Cedar, IA 50454; Little Rock, IA 51243; Little Sioux, IA 51545; Little Turkey, IA 52154; Littleport, IA 52042; Littleton, IA 50648; Livermore, IA 50558; Livingston, IA 52549; Lockridge, IA 52635; Locust, IA 52101; Logan, IA 51546, 51550; Lohrville, IA 51453; Lone Rock, IA 50559; Lone Tree, IA 52755; Long Grove, IA 52756; Lorah, IA 50022; Lorimor, IA 50149; Lost Island Lake, IA 51358; Lost Nation, IA 52254; Lotts Creek, IA 50559; Lourdes, IA 50628; Lovilia, IA 50150; Lovington, IA 50322; Low Moor, IA 52757; Lowden, IA 52255; Lowell, IA 52645; Lu Verne, IA 50560; Luana, IA 52156; Lucas, IA 50151; Ludlow, IA 52172; Lundstrom Heights, IA 50021; Luther, IA 50152; Luton, IA 51052; Luxemburg, IA 52056; Luzerne, IA 52257; Lynnville, IA 50153; Lytton, IA 50561; Macedonia, IA 51549; Macksburg, IA 50155; Macy, IA 50601; Madrid, IA 50156; Magnolia, IA 51550; Malcom, IA 50157; Mallard, IA 50562; Maloy, IA 50836; Malvern, IA 51551; Manawa, IA 51501; Manchester, IA 52057; Manilla, IA 51454; Manly, IA 50456; Manning, IA 51455; Manson, IA 50563; Maple Heights, IA 50616; Maple Hill, IA 50514; Maple River, IA 51401; Mapleton, IA 51034; Maquoketa, IA 52060; Marathon, IA 50565; Marble Rock, IA 50653; Marcus, IA 51035; Marengo, IA 52301; Marion, IA 52302; Marne, IA 51552; Marquette, IA 52158; Marquisville, IA 50313; Marshalltown, IA 50158; Martelle, IA 52305; Martensdale, IA 50160; Martinsburg, IA 52568; Marysville, IA 50116; Maryville, IA 50606; Mason City, IA 50401, 50402; Masonville, IA 50654; Massena, IA 50853; Massey, IA 52001; Massillon, IA 52255; Matlock, IA 51244; Maurice, IA 51036; Maxwell, IA 50161; May City, IA 51354; Maynard, IA 50655; Maysville, IA 52773; Mc Callsburg, IA 50154; Mc Causland, IA 52758; Mc Gregor, IA 52157; Mc Intire, IA 50455; McClelland, IA 51548; McNally, IA 51027; Mechanicsville, IA 52306; Mederville, IA 52043; Mediapolis, IA 52637; Medora, IA 50125; Melbourne, IA 50162; Melcher Dallas, IA 50062, 50163; Melrose, IA 52569; Meltonville, IA 50472; Melvin, IA 51350; Menlo, IA 50164; Meriden, IA 51037; Meroa, IA 50461; Merrill, IA 51038; Meservey, IA 50457; Methodist Camp, IA 51360; Meyer, IA 50455; Middle Amana, IA 52307; Middleburg, IA 51041; Middletown, IA 52638; Midvale, IA 50124; Midway, IA 52302; Miles, IA 52064; Milford, IA 51351; Miller, IA 50438; Millersburg, IA 52308; Millerton, IA 50165; Millnerville, IA 51062; Millville, IA 52052; Milo, IA 50166; Milton, IA 52570; Minburn, IA 50167; Minden, IA 51553; Mineola, IA 51554; Minerva, IA 50005; Mingo, IA 50168; Missouri Valley, IA 51555; Mitchell, IA 50461; Mitchellville, IA 50169; Mo Valley, IA 51555; Modale, IA 51556; Mondamin, IA 51557; Moneta, IA 51346; Monmouth, IA 52309; Monona, IA 52159; Monroe, IA 50170; Montezuma, IA 50171; Montgomery, IA 51360; Monticello, IA 52310; Montour, IA 50173; Montpelier, IA 52759; Montrose, IA 52639; Mooar, IA 52632; Moorhead, IA 51558; Moorland, IA 50566; Moran, IA 50276; Moravia, IA 52571; Morley, IA 52312; Morning Sun, IA 52640; Morrison, IA 50657; Morton Mills, IA 50864; Moscow, IA 52760; Moulton, IA 52572; Mount Auburn, IA 52313; Mount Ayr, IA 50854; Mount Carmel, IA 51401; Mount Hamill, IA 52625; Mount Pleasant, IA 52641; Mount Sterling, IA 52573; Mount Union, IA 52644; Mount Vernon, IA 52314; Moville, IA 51039; Munterville, IA 52536; Murphy, IA 50677; Murray, IA 50174; Muscatine, IA 52761; Mystic, IA 52574; Nashua, IA 50658; Nashville, IA 52060; National, IA 52047; Neils, IA 50453; Nemaha, IA 50567; Neola, IA 51559; Neptune, IA 51024; Nevada, IA 50201; New Albin, IA 52160; New Hampton, IA 50659, 50661; New Hartford, IA 50660; New Haven, IA 50461; New Liberty, IA 52765; New London, IA 52645; New Market, IA 51646; New Providence, IA 50206; New Sharon, IA 50207; New Vienna, IA 52065; New Virginia, IA 50210; New York, IA 50238; Newbern, IA 50139; Newburg, IA 50112; Newell, IA 50568; Newhall, IA 52315; Newkirk, IA 51238; Newton, IA 50208; Nichols, IA 52766; Nodaway, IA 50857; Nora Springs, IA 50458; Nordness, IA 52101; Nordstrom, IA 52497; North Branch, IA 50002; North Buena Vista, IA 52066; North Cedar, IA 50613; North English, IA 52316; North Liberty, IA 52317; North Washington, IA 50659, 50661; North Welton, IA 52037; Northboro, IA 51647; Northfield, IA 52637; Northwood, IA 50459; Norwalk, IA 50211; Norway, IA 52318; Norwood, IA 50151; Norwoodville, IA 50317; Numa, IA 52544; Oakdale, IA 52319; Oakland Acres, IA 50112; Oakland, IA 51560; Oakley, IA 50049; Oakville, IA 52646; Oakwood, IA 50653; Oasis, IA 52358; Ocheyedan, IA 51354; Odebolt, IA 51458; Oelwein, IA 50662; Ogden, IA 50212; Okoboji, IA 51355; Old Town, IA 51351; Olds, IA 52647; Olin, IA 52320; Olivet, IA 50143; Ollie, IA 52576; Onawa, IA 51040; Oneida, IA 52057; Onslow, IA 52321; Oralabor, IA 50021; Oran, IA 50664; Orange City, IA 51041; Orchard, IA 50460; Orient, IA 50858; Orillia, IA 50061; Osage, IA 50461; Osborne, IA 52043; Osceola, IA 50213; Osgood, IA 50536; Oskaloosa, IA 52577; Ossian, IA 52161; Osterdock, IA 52035; Otho, IA 50569; Otley, IA 50214; Oto, IA 51044; Otranto, IA 50472; Otter Creek, IA 52079; Otterville, IA 50644; Ottosen, IA 50570; Ottumwa Junction, IA 52501; Ottumwa, IA 52501; Owasa, IA 50126; Owego, IA 51052; Oxford Jct, IA 52323; Oxford Junction, IA 52323; Oxford Mills, IA 52323; Oxford, IA 52322; Oyens, IA 51045; Pacific Junction, IA 51561; Packard, IA 50619; Packwood, IA 52580; Painted Rocks, IA 50214; Palm Grove, IA 50501; Palmer, IA 50571; Palmyra, IA 50047; Palo, IA 52324; Panama, IA 51562, 51578; Panarama Park, IA 52722; Panora, IA 50216; Park Hills, IA 50214; Park View, IA 52748; Parkersburg, IA 50665; Parnell, IA 52325; Paton, IA 50217; Patterson, IA 50218; Paullina, IA 51046; Pekin, IA 52580; Pella, IA 50219; Peosta, IA 52068; Percival, IA 51648; Perkins, IA 51239; Perlee, IA 52556; Perry, IA 50220; Pershing, IA 50138; Persia, IA 51563; Peru, IA 50222; Petersburg, IA 52040; Peterson, IA 51047; Petersville, IA 52731; Pierson, IA 51048; Pilot Grove, IA 52648; Pilot Mound, IA 50223; Pioneer, IA 50541; Piper, IA 50579; Pisgah, IA 51564; Pitzer, IA 50072; Plain View, IA 52773; Plainfield, IA 50666; Plano, IA 52581; Platteville, IA 50836; Pleasant Hill, IA 50317, 50327; Pleasant Plain, IA 52540; Pleasant Valley, IA 52767; Pleasanton, IA 50065; Pleasantville, IA 50225; Plover, IA 50573; Plymouth, IA 50464; Pocahontas, IA 50574; Polk City, IA 50226; Pomeroy, IA 50575; Popejoy, IA 50227; Portland, IA 50401; Portsmouth, IA 51565; Postville, IA 52162; Powersville, IA 50636; Prairie City, IA 50228; Prairie Grove, IA 52655; Prairieburg, IA 52219; Prescott, IA 50859; Preston, IA 52069; Primghar, IA 51245; Primrose, IA 52625; Princeton, IA 52768; Prole, IA 50229; Promise City, IA 52583; Protivin, IA 52163; Pulaski, IA 52584; Quandahl, IA 52101; Quasqueton, IA 52326; Quimby, IA 51049; Radcliffe, IA 50230; Rake, IA 50465; Ralston, IA 51459; Randalia, IA 52164; Randall, IA 50231; Randolph, IA 51649; Rands, IA 50579; Rathbun, IA 52544; Raymar, IA 50707; Raymond, IA 50667; Readlyn, IA 50668; Reasnor, IA 50232; Red Line, IA 51447; Red Oak, IA 51566, 51591; Redding, IA 50860; Redfield, IA 50233; Reinbeck, IA 50669; Rembrandt, IA 50576; Remsen, IA 51050; Renwick, IA 50577; Rhodes, IA 50234; Riceville, IA 50466; Richards, IA 50579; Richland, IA 52585; Ricketts, IA 51460; Ridgeway, IA 52165; Rinard, IA 50538; Ringsted, IA 50578; Rippey, IA 50235; Risingsun, IA 50317; Ritter, IA 51201; River Junction, IA 52755; Riverdale, IA 52722; Riverside, IA 52327; Riverton, IA 51650; Robertson, IA 50601; Robins, IA 52328, 52411; Robinson, IA 52330; Rochester, IA 52772; Rock Creek, IA 50461; Rock Falls, IA 50467; Rock Rapids, IA 51246; Rock Valley, IA 51247; Rockdale, IA 52001; Rockford, IA 50468; Rockwell City, IA 50579; Rockwell Collins, IA 52498; Rockwell, IA 50469; Rodney, IA 51051; Roelyn, IA 50566; Roland, IA 50236; Rolfe, IA 50581; Rome, IA 52642; Rose Hill, IA 52586; Roselle, IA 51401; Ross, IA 50025; Rossie, IA 51357; Rossville, IA 52159; Rowan, IA 50470; Rowley, IA 52329; Royal, IA 51343, 51357; Rubio, IA 52585; Ruble, IA 51001; Rudd, IA 50471; Runnells, IA 50237; Russell, IA 50238; Ruthven, IA 51358; Rutland, IA 50582; Rutledge, IA 52501; Ryan, IA 52330; Sabula, IA 52070; Sac City, IA 50583; Sageville, IA 52001; Saint Ansgar, IA 50472; Saint Anthony, IA 50239; Saint Benedict, IA 50511; Saint Charles, IA 50240; Saint Donatus, IA 52071; Saint Joseph, IA 50519; Saint Lucas, IA 52166; Saint Marys, IA 50241; Saint Olaf, IA 52072; Saint Paul, IA 52656, 52657; Salem, IA 52649; Salina, IA 52556; Salix, IA 51052; Sanborn, IA 51248; Sand Prairie, IA 52619; Sand Spring, IA 52237; Sandusky, IA 52632; Sandyville, IA 50001; Santiago, IA 50169; Saratoga, IA 52155; Sattre, IA 52101; Saude, IA 52154; Sawyer, IA 52627; Saydel, IA 50313; Saylorville, IA 50313; Scarville, IA 50473; Schaller, IA 51053; Schleswig, IA 51461; Schley, IA 52136; Scotch Grove, IA 52310; Scotch Ridge, IA 50047; Scranton, IA 51462; Searsboro, IA 50242; Selma, IA 52588; Seneca, IA 50539; Sergeant Bluff, IA 51054; Seventh Avenue, IA 52734; Sewal, IA 50060; Sexton, IA 50483; Seymour, IA 52590; Sgt Bluff, IA 51054; Shady Grove, IA 50648; Shaffton, IA 52730; Shambaugh, IA 51651; Shannon City, IA 50861; Sharon, IA 50025; Sharpsburg, IA 50862; Shawondasse, IA 52001; Sheffield, IA 50475; Shelby, IA 51570; Sheldahl, IA 50243; Sheldon, IA 51201; Shell Rock, IA 50670; Shellsburg, IA 52332; Shenandoah, IA 51601, 51602, 51603; Sheridan, IA 50157; Sherrill, IA 52073; Sherwood, IA 50579; Shipley, IA 50201; Siam, IA 50833; Sibley, IA 51249; Sidney, IA 51652; Sigourney, IA 52591; Silver City, IA 51571; Silver Lake, IA 50459; Sinclair, IA 50665; Sioux Center, IA 51250; Sioux City, IA 51101, 51102, 51103, 51104, 51105, 51106, 51108, 51109, 51111; Sioux Rapids, IA 50585; Six Mile, IA 52732; Slater, IA 50244; Slifer, IA 50543; Sloan, IA 51055; Smithland, IA 51056; Soldier, IA 51572; Solon, IA 52333; Somers, IA 50586; South Amana, IA 52334; South Des Moines, IA 50315, 50320, 50321; South English, IA 52335; South Ottumwa, IA 52501; Spencer, IA 51301; Sperry, IA 52650; Spillville, IA 52168; Spirit Lake, IA 51360; Spragueville, IA 52074; Spring Hill, IA 50125; Springbrook, IA 52075; Springdale, IA 52358; Springville, IA 52336; Stacyville, IA 50476; Stanhope, IA 50246; Stanley, IA 50671; Stanton, IA 51573; Stanwood, IA 52337; Stanzel, IA 50849; State Center, IA 50247; Steamboat Rock, IA 50672; Stilson, IA 50423; Stockport, IA 52651; Stockton, IA 52769; Storm Lake, IA 50588; Story City, IA 50248; Stout, IA 50673; Stratford, IA 50249; Strawberry Point, IA 52076; Stringtown, IA 50851; Stuart, IA 50250; Sugar Creek, IA 52731; Sully, IA 50251; Sulphur Springs, IA 50588; Summerset, IA 50125; Summitville, IA 52632; Sumner, IA 50674; Superior, IA 51363; Sutherland, IA 51058; Sutliff, IA 52253; Swaledale, IA 50477; Swan, IA 50252; Swea City, IA 50590; Swedesburg, IA 52652; Swisher, IA 52338; Tabor, IA 51653; Taintor, IA 50207; Talleyrand, IA 52248; Talmage, IA 50254; Tama, IA 52339; Tara, IA 50501; Teeds Grove, IA 52771; Templar Park, IA 51360; Templeton, IA 51463; Tennant, IA 51537; Tenville Junction, IA 50864; Terril, IA 51364; Thayer, IA 50254; The Meadows, IA 50276; Thompson, IA 50478; Thor, IA 50591; Thornburg, IA 50255; Thornton, IA 50479; Thorpe, IA 52057; Thurman, IA 51654; Ticonic, IA 51010; Tiffin, IA 52340; Tingley, IA 50863; Tipton, IA 52772; Titonka, IA 50480; Toddville, IA 52341; Toeterville, IA 50481; Toledo, IA 52342; Toolesboro, IA 52653; Toronto, IA 52777; Tracy, IA 50256; Traer, IA 50675; Treynor, IA 51575; Triboji Beach, IA 51360; Tripoli, IA 50676; Troy Mills, IA 52344; Truesdale, IA 50592; Truro, IA 50257; Turin, IA 51040; Turkey River, IA 52052; Tuskeego, IA 50133; Twin View Heights, IA 52333; Udell, IA 52593; Underwood, IA 51576; Union Mills, IA 50207; Union, IA 50258, 50259; Unionville, IA 52594; University Heights, IA 52246; University Park, IA 52595; Urbana, IA 52345; Urbandale, IA 50322, 50323, 50391, 50398; Ute, IA 51060; Vail, IA 51465; Valeria, IA 50054; Van Cleve, IA 50162; Van Horne, IA 52346; Van Meter, IA 50261; Van Wert, IA 50262; Varina, IA 50593; Vedic City, IA 52556; Ventura, IA 50482; Veo, IA 52585; Vernon Springs, IA 52136; Victor, IA 52347; Village Creek, IA 52151; Villisca, IA 50864; Vincent, IA 50594; Vining, IA 52348; Vinton, IA 52349; Viola, IA 52350; Volga, IA 52077; Volney, IA 52159; Voorhies, IA 50643; Wadena, IA 52169; Wahpeton, IA 51360; Walcott, IA 52773; Walford, IA 52351; Walker, IA 52352; Wall Lake, IA 51466; Wallingford, IA 51365; Walnut City, IA 52574; Walnut, IA 51577; Wapello, IA 52653; Ware, IA 50546; Washburn, IA 50702, 50706; Washington, IA 52353; Washta, IA 51061; Waterloo, IA 50701, 50702, 50703, 50704, 50706, 50707; Waterville, IA 52170; Watkins, IA 52354; Watson, IA 52159; Waubeek, IA 52214; Waucoma, IA 52171; Waukee, IA 50263; Waukon Junction, IA 52146; Waukon, IA 52172; Waverly, IA 50677; Wayland, IA 52654; Webb, IA 51366; Webster City, IA 50595; Webster, IA 52355; Weldon, IA 50264; Weller, IA 50150; Wellman, IA 52356; Wellsburg, IA 50680; Welton, IA 52774; Wesley, IA 50483; West Amana, IA 52203; West Bend, IA 50597; West Branch, IA 52358; West Burlington, IA 52655; West Chester, IA 52359; West Des Moines, IA 50061, 50265, 50266, 50368, 50398; West Fort Dodge, IA 50501; West Grove, IA 52537; West Liberty, IA 52776; West Okoboji, IA 51351; West Point, IA 52656, 52657; West Storm Lake, IA 50588; West Union, IA 52175; Westerville, IA 50108; Westfield, IA 51062; Westgate, IA 50681; Westphalia, IA 51578; Westside, IA 51467; Wever, IA 52658; What Cheer, IA 50268; Wheatland, IA 52777; White Elm, IA 52588; White Oak, IA 50073; White Pigeon, IA 52316; Whiting, IA 51063; Whittemore, IA 50598; Whitten, IA 50269; Whittier, IA 52336; Wick, IA 50240; Wickham Spur, IA 51101; Wieston, IA 50563; Wildwood Camp, IA 52756; Willey, IA 51401; Williams, IA 50271; Williamsburg, IA 52361; Williamson, IA 50272; Williamstown, IA 52247; Wilton, IA 52778; Windham, IA 52322; Windsor Heights, IA 50311, 50312, 50322, 50324; Winfield, IA 52659; Winnebago Heights, IA 50401; Winterset, IA 50273; Winthrop, IA 50682; Wiota, IA 50274; Wiscotta, IA 50233; Woden, IA 50484; Wood, IA 52042; Woodbine, IA 51579; Woodburn, IA 50275; Woodland, IA 50103; Woodward, IA 50276; Woolstock, IA 50599; Worthington, IA 52078; Wright, IA 52577; Wyman, IA 52621; Wyoming, IA 52362; Yale, IA 50277; Yarmouth, IA 52660; Yetter, IA 51433; Yorktown, IA 51656; Younkers, IA 50397; Zaneta, IA 50643; Zearing, IA 50278; Zion, IA 50858; Zook Spur, IA 50156; patients from all over Iowa have valued their enhanced eyesight recovery when they have used the Rite Time Make It Rite Mirror.
International patients in Puerto Rico, Canada (Quebec, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia), Mexico, United Kingdom, Philippines, Ireland, Australia, Israel, Hong Kong, India, Saudi Arabia (to name just a few international locations) have valued and appreciated using the RiteTime System including the Make It Rite Mirror and regaining their eyesight.
Vitreo-retinal ophthalmologist eye surgeons perform a vitrectomy to repair detached retina or a retinal macular hole. The Rite Time® Make It Rite Mirror is the solution for the necessary face prone prescribed posture. Patients have appreciated using the RiteTime® Make It Rite Mirror and have successfully maintained facedown positioning 24/7 for as long as necessary to regain their eyesight.
You will appreciate the vitrectomy facedown comfort solutions the Rite Time® Make It Rite Mirror affords you or your loved one for facedown vitrectomy eyesight recovery.
To order and/or discuss the Rite Time® Make It Rite Mirror, or the RiteTime Rental Option, call Sandra at RiteTime® at 1.800.266.2924 or 1.480.832.1592 or email me at [email protected].
We look forward to assisting you or your loved one regain eyesight.
The Rite Time Make It Rite Mirror and the RiteTime Rental Option can be delivered within a week to most locations. Next day delivery is usually available including Saturday if necessary. Rite Time Make It Rite Mirror is your local vitrectomy support system solution for facedown recovery wherever you are. RiteTime has assisted customers from all 50 states of the USA, from Anchorage, Alaska to Zephyrhills, Florida; from Bangor, Maine to San Diego, California; Key West, Florida to Honolulu. Hawaii; and everyplace in between, and many international locations as well. Give us a call. Rite Time has assisted patients of Retinal Vitreous Specialists, Consultants, Associates, Groups all over the United States and abroad to optimize their prescribed facedown positioning, vitrectomy recovery and successfully regain their eyesight. At the bottom of this page is a partial listing of locations where Rite Time provides vitrectomy patients face down support. Order your Rite Time Face Down Eyesight Make It Rite Mirror or arrange for your RiteTime Rental Option by calling 1.800.266.2924.
The Rite Time Make It Rite Mirror is a comfort solution to help other vitrectomy patients successfully regain their eyesight. Everything that had been included in Rite Time System package including the Make It Rite Mirror was included and was specifically designed based on Al Heitz's personal experience of maintaining face down positioning 24/7 for two weeks and successfully regaining his eyesight following his macular hole retina surgery; and from assisting other vitrectomy patients.
The Rite Time Make It Rite Mirror is affordable for even patients who are on the lowest, fixed income. We accept VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express.
The Rite Time Make It Rite Mirror (facedown mirror / vitrectomy mirror) is a comfort package designed to help vitrectomy patients successfully comply with doctor prescribed face down position to enhance their successful, optimal eyesight recovery.
We look forward to assisting you or your loved one regain their eyesight. Call us at 1.800.266.2924 or email me at [email protected].
The Rite Time Face Down Vitrectomy Support Recovery Make It Rite Mirror and the rental package can and has been delivered:
Alabama, AL; Alaska, AK; Arizona, AZ; Arkansas, AR; California, CA; Colorado, CO; Connecticut, CT; Delaware, DE; District of Columbia, DC; Florida, FL; Georgia, GA; Hawaii, HI; Idaho, ID; Illinois, IL; Indiana, IN; Iowa, IA; Kansas, KS; Kentucky, KY; Louisiana, LA; Maine, ME; Maryland, MD; Massachusetts, MA; Michigan, MI; Minnesota, MN; Mississippi, MI; Missouri, MO; Montana, MT; Nebraska, NE; Nevada, NV; New Hampshire, NH; New Jersey, NJ; New Mexico, NM; New York, NY; North Carolina, NC; North Dakota, ND; Ohio, OH; Oklahoma, OK; Oregon, OR; Pennsylvania, PA; Rhode Island, RI; South Carolina, SC; South Dakota, SD; Tennessee, TN; Texas, TX; Utah, UT; Vermont, VT; Virginia, VA; Washington, WA; West Virginia, WV; Wisconsin, WI; Wyoming, WY; and Guam; Puerto Rico, PR; and the Virgin Islands VI.
A more comprehensive breakdown listing of where next day facedown recovery equipment can be delivered in Iowa includes:
Iowa: Abingdon, IA 52533; Ackley, IA 50601; Ackworth, IA 50001; Adair, IA 50002; Adaville, IA 51062; Adel, IA 50003; Adventureland Estates, IA 50009; Aegon USA, IA 52499; Afton, IA 50830; Agency, IA 52530; Ainsworth, IA 52201; Akron, IA 51001; Albany, IA 52142; Albert City, IA 50510; Albia, IA 52531; Albion, IA 50005; Alburnett, IA 52202; Alden, IA 50006; Alexander, IA 50420; Algona, IA 50511; Alleman, IA 50007; Allendorf, IA 51354; Allerton, IA 50008; Allison, IA 50602; Alpha, IA 52171; Alta Vista, IA 50603; Alta, IA 51002; Alton, IA 51003; Altoona, IA 50009; Alvord, IA 51230; Amana, IA 52203, 52204; Amber, IA 52205; Amboy, IA 50208; Ames, IA 50010, 50011, 50012, 50013, 50014; Anamosa, IA 52205; Andover, IA 52701; Andrew, IA 52030; Anita, IA 50020; Ankeny, IA 50021, 50023; Anthon, IA 51004; Aplington, IA 50604; Arbor Hill, IA 50250; Arcadia, IA 51430; Archer, IA 51231; Aredale, IA 50605; Argyle, IA 52619, 52625; Arion, IA 51520; Arispe, IA 50831; Arlington, IA 50606; Armstrong, IA 50514; Arnolds Park, IA 51331; Artesian, IA 50677; Arthur, IA 51431; Asbury, IA 52002; Ashton, IA 51232; Aspinwall, IA 51432; Atalissa, IA 52720; Athlestan, IA 50836; Atkins, IA 52206; Atlantic, IA 50022; Auburn, IA 51433; Audubon, IA 50025; Aurelia, IA 51005; Aureola, IA 50653; Aurora, IA 50607; Austinville, IA 50608; Avery, IA 52531; Avoca, IA 51521; Avon Lake, IA 50047; Avon, IA 50047; Ayrshire, IA 50515; Badger, IA 50516; Bagley, IA 50026; Baldwin, IA 52207; Bancroft, IA 50517; Bankston, IA 52045; Barnes City, IA 50027; Barney, IA 50149; Barnum, IA 50518; Barrett Superette, IA 50164; Bartlett, IA 51654; Bassett, IA 50645; Batavia, IA 52533; Battle Creek, IA 51006; Baxter, IA 50028; Bayard, IA 50029; Beacon, IA 52534; Beaconsfield, IA 50074; Beaman, IA 50609; Beaver, IA 50031; Beaverdale Heights, IA 52655; Beckwith, IA 52556; Bedford, IA 50833; Beech, IA 50225; Bel Air Beach, IA 50588; Belle Plaine, IA 52208; Bellevue, IA 52031; Belmond, IA 50421; Bennett, IA 52721; Benton, IA 50835; Berea, IA 50020; Berkley, IA 50220; Bernard, IA 52032; Berne, IA 51060; Berwick, IA 50032; Bethlehem, IA 50238; Bettendorf, IA 52722; Bevington, IA 50033; Big Rock, IA 52745; Birmingham, IA 52535; Blackhawk Village, IA 50613; Bladensburg, IA 52501; Blairsburg, IA 50034; Blairstown, IA 52209; Blakesburg, IA 52536; Blanchard, IA 51630; Blencoe, IA 51523; Blockton, IA 50836; Bloomfield, IA 52537; Blue Grass, IA 52726; Bluff Park, IA 52639; Bluffton, IA 52101; Bode, IA 50519; Bolan, IA 50448; Bonair, IA 52155; Bonaparte, IA 52620; Bondurant, IA 50035; Boone, IA 50036, 50037, 50099; Booneville, IA 50038; Botna, IA 51454; Bouton, IA 50039; Boxholm, IA 50040; Boyd, IA 50659; Boyden, IA 51234; Boyer, IA 51448; Braddyville, IA 51631; Bradford, IA 50041; Bradgate, IA 50520; Brainard, IA 52141; Brandon, IA 52210; Brayton, IA 50042; Brazil, IA 52574; Breda, IA 51436; Bremer, IA 50677; Bridge Port, IA 52553; Bridgewater, IA 50837; Brighton, IA 52540; Bristow, IA 50611; Britt, IA 50423; Bronson, IA 51007; Brooklyn, IA 52211; Brooks, IA 50841; Brookside, IA 50613; Brunsville, IA 51008; Brushy, IA 50532; Bryant, IA 52727; Buchanan, IA 52772; Buck Grove, IA 51528; Buckcreek, IA 50674; Buckeye, IA 50006, 50043; Buckingham, IA 50612; Buffalo Center, IA 50424; Buffalo, IA 52728; Burchinal, IA 50469; Burlington, IA 52601; Burnside, IA 50521; Burr Oak, IA 52101; Burt, IA 50522; Bussey, IA 50044; Cairo, IA 52738; Calamus, IA 52729; Callender, IA 50523; Calmar, IA 52132; Calumet, IA 51009; Camanche, IA 52730; Cambria, IA 50060; Cambridge, IA 50046; Camp Dodge, IA 50131; Canby, IA 50048; Canton, IA 52309; Cantril, IA 52542, 52573; Capitol Heights, IA 50317; Carbon, IA 50839; Carbondale, IA 50317; Carl, IA 50841; Carlisle, IA 50047; Carmel, IA 51247; Carnarvon, IA 51450; Carnes, IA 51003; Carney, IA 50021; Carnforth, IA 52347; Carpenter, IA 50426; Carroll, IA 51401; Carson, IA 51525; Carter Lake, IA 51510; Cartersville, IA 50469; Cascade, IA 52033; Casey, IA 50048; Casino Beach, IA 50588; Castalia, IA 52133; Castana, IA 51010; Cedar Bluff, IA 52772; Cedar City, IA 50613; Cedar Falls, IA 50613, 50614; Cedar Rapids, IA 52401, 52402, 52403, 52404, 52405, 52406, 52407, 52408, 52409, 52410, 52411, 52497, 52498, 52499; Cedar Valley, IA 52358; Cedar, IA 52543; Center Grove, IA 52001; Center Junction, IA 52212; Center Point, IA 52213; Centerdale, IA 52776; Centerville, IA 52544; Central City, IA 52214; Central Heights, IA 50401; Centralia, IA 52068; Chapin, IA 50427; Chariton, IA 50049; Charles City, IA 50616, 50620; Charleston, IA 52619; Charlotte, IA 52731; Charter Oak, IA 51439; Chatsworth, IA 51011; Chelsea, IA 52215; Cherokee, IA 51012; Chester, IA 52134; Chickasaw, IA 50645; Chillicothe, IA 52548; Church, IA 52151; Churchville, IA 50211; Churdan, IA 50050; Cincinnati, IA 52549; Clare, IA 50524; Clarence, IA 52216; Clarinda, IA 51632; Clarion, IA 50525, 50526; Clarksville, IA 50619; Clayton Center, IA 52043; Clayton, IA 52049; Clayworks, IA 50501; Clear Creek, IA 52248; Clear Lake, IA 50428; Clearfield, IA 50840; Cleghorn, IA 51014; Clemons, IA 50051; Clermont, IA 52135; Cleves, IA 50601; Cliffland, IA 52501; Climbing Hill, IA 51015, 51026; Clinton, IA 52732, 52733, 52734, 52736, 52771; Clio, IA 50052; Clive, IA 50324, 50325; Cloverdale, IA 51249; Clutier, IA 52217; Clyde, IA 50055; Coal Creek, IA 50268; Coalville, IA 50501; Coggon, IA 52218; Coin, IA 51636; Colesburg, IA 52035; Colfax, IA 50054; College Springs, IA 51637; College Square, IA 50613; Collins, IA 50055; Colo, IA 50056; Columbia, IA 50057; Columbus City, IA 52737; Columbus Junction, IA 52738; Colwell, IA 50620; Communia, IA 52043; Conesville, IA 52739; Conger, IA 50240; Conover, IA 52132; Conrad, IA 50621; Conroy, IA 52220; Conway, IA 50833; Cool, IA 50125; Coon Rapids, IA 50058; Cooper, IA 50059; Coppock, IA 52654; Coralville, IA 52241; Cornelia, IA 50525; Cornell, IA 50585; Corning, IA 50841; Correctionville, IA 51016; Corwith, IA 50430; Corydon, IA 50060; Cosgrove, IA 52322; Cotter, IA 52738; Cou Falls, IA 52338; Coulter, IA 50431; Council Bluffs, IA 51501, 51502, 51503; Covington, IA 52324; Crandalls Lodge, IA 51360; Cranston, IA 52754; Crawfordsville, IA 52621; Crescent, IA 51526; Cresco, IA 52136; Creston, IA 50801; Crocker, IA 50226; Cromwell, IA 50842; Crossroads Center, IA 50501; Crystal Lake, IA 50432; Cumberland, IA 50843; Cumming, IA 50061; Curlew, IA 50527; Cushing, IA 51018; Cylinder, IA 50528; Dahlonega, IA 52501; Dakota City, IA 50529; Dalby, IA 52170; Dale, IA 50250; Dallas Center, IA 50063; Dallas, IA 50062; Dana, IA 50064; Danbury, IA 51019; Danville, IA 52623; Davenport, IA 52801, 52802, 52803, 52804, 52805, 52806, 52807, 52808, 52809; Davis City, IA 50065; Dawson, IA 50066; Dayton, IA 50530; Daytonville, IA 52356; De Soto, IA 50069; De Witt, IA 52742; Dean, IA 52572; Decatur, IA 50067; Decorah, IA 52101; Dedham, IA 51440; Deep River, IA 52222; Defiance, IA 51527; Delaware, IA 52036, 52057; Delhi, IA 52223; Delmar, IA 52037; Deloit, IA 51441; Delphos, IA 50860; Delta, IA 52550; Denhart, IA 50447; Denison, IA 51442; Denmark, IA 52624; Denver, IA 50622; Derby, IA 50068; Des Moines, IA 50301, 50302, 50303, 50304, 50305, 50306, 50307, 50308, 50309, 50310, 50311, 50312, 50313, 50314, 50315, 50316, 50317, 50318, 50319, 50320, 50321, 50322, 50323, 50324, 50325, 50327, 50328, 50329, 50330, 50331, 50332, 50333, 50334, 50335, 50336, 50339, 50340, 50347, 50359, 50360, 50361, 50362, 50363, 50364, 50367, 50368, 50369, 50380, 50381, 50391, 50392, 50393, 50394, 50395, 50396, 50397, 50398, 50936, 50940, 50947, 50950, 50980, 50981; Dewar, IA 50623; Dewitt, IA 52742; Dexter, IA 50070; Diagonal, IA 50845; Diamond Center, IA 51005; Dickens, IA 51333; Dike, IA 50624; Dinsdale, IA 50669; Dixon, IA 52745; Dodgeville, IA 52650; Dolliver, IA 50531; Donahue, IA 52746; Donnan, IA 52142; Donnellson, IA 52625; Doon, IA 51235; Dorchester, IA 52140; Doris, IA 50644; Douds, IA 52551; Dougherty, IA 50433; Douglas, IA 52175; Dow City, IA 51528; Downey, IA 52358; Dows, IA 50071; Drakesville, IA 52552; Dubuque, IA 52001, 52002, 52003, 52004, 52099; Dudley, IA 52501; Dumont, IA 50625; Duncan, IA 50423; Duncombe, IA 50532; Dundee, IA 52038; Dunkerton, IA 50626; Dunlap, IA 51529; Durango, IA 52039; Durant, IA 52747; Durham, IA 50119; Dutchtown, IA 52057; Dyersville, IA 52040; Dysart, IA 52224; Eagle Grove, IA 50533; Eagle Point, IA 52001; Earl May Seed, IA 51603; Earlham, IA 50072; Earling, IA 51530; Earlville, IA 52041; Early, IA 50535; East Amana, IA 52203; East Des Moines, IA 50309; East Pleasant Plain, IA 52540; Eddyville, IA 52553; Edgewood, IA 52042, 52044; Edna, IA 51246; Egan, IA 52146; Egralharve, IA 51360; Elberon, IA 52225; Eldon, IA 52554; Eldora, IA 50627; Eldorado, IA 52175; Eldridge, IA 52748; Elgin, IA 52141; Elk Horn, IA 51531; Elk Run Heights, IA 50707; Elk Run Hgts, IA 50707; Elkader, IA 52043; Elkhart, IA 50073; Elkport, IA 52044; Elliott, IA 51532; Ellston, IA 50074; Ellsworth, IA 50075; Elma, IA 50628; Elon, IA 52170; Elrick, IA 52653; Elvira, IA 52732; Elwood, IA 52254; Ely, IA 52227; Emeline, IA 52207; Emerson, IA 51533; Emery, IA 50401; Emmetsburg, IA 50536; Enterprise, IA 50073; Epworth, IA 52045; Essex, IA 51638; Estherville, IA 51334; Evans Junction, IA 52534; Evans, IA 52577; Evansdale, IA 50707; Evanston, IA 50532; Everly, IA 51338; Ewart, IA 50171; Exira, IA 50076; Exline, IA 52555; Fairbank, IA 50629; Fairfax, IA 52228; Fairfield, IA 52556, 52557; Fairview, IA 52205; Farley, IA 52046; Farmersburg, IA 52047; Farmington, IA 52626; Farnhamville, IA 50538; Farragut, IA 51639; Farrar, IA 50161; Farson, IA 52563; Faulkner, IA 50601; Fayette, IA 52142; Fenton, IA 50539; Ferguson, IA 50078; Fern, IA 50665; Fernald, IA 50201; Fertile, IA 50434; Festina, IA 52144; Fillmore, IA 52033; Finchford, IA 50647; Fiscus, IA 50025; Florenceville, IA 52136; Floris, IA 52560; Floyd, IA 50435; Folletts, IA 52730; Fonda, IA 50540; Fontanelle, IA 50846; Forest City, IA 50436; Fort Atkinson, IA 52144; Fort Dodge, IA 50501; Fort Madison, IA 52627; Fostoria, IA 51340; Four Corners, IA 52635; Franklin, IA 52625; Frankville, IA 52162; Fredericksburg, IA 50630; Frederika, IA 50631; Fredonia, IA 52738; Freeman, IA 50401; Freeport, IA 52101; Fremont, IA 52561; Froelich, IA 52047; Fruitland, IA 52749; Frytown, IA 52247; Fulton, IA 52060; Galbraith, IA 50560; Galesburg, IA 50232; Galland, IA 52639; Galt, IA 50101; Galva, IA 51020; Gambrill, IA 52756; Garber, IA 52048; Garden City, IA 50102; Garden Grove, IA 50103; Gardiner, IA 50039; Garfield, IA 52574; Garnavillo, IA 52049; Garner, IA 50438; Garrison, IA 52229; Garwin, IA 50632; Gaza, IA 51245; Geneva, IA 50633; Genoa Bluff, IA 52301; George, IA 51237; Georgetown, IA 52531; German Valley, IA 50480; Germantown, IA 51046; Germanville, IA 52540; Giard, IA 52157; Gibson, IA 50104; Gifford, IA 50259; Gilbert, IA 50105; Gilbertville, IA 50634; Gillett Grove, IA 51341; Gilman, IA 50106; Gilmore City, IA 50541; Gladbrook, IA 50635; Gladwin, IA 52738; Glasgow, IA 52556; Glendon, IA 50164; Glenwood, IA 51534; Glidden, IA 51443; Goddard, IA 50054; Goldfield, IA 50542; Goodell, IA 50439; Goose Lake, IA 52750; Gooselake, IA 52750; Gowrie, IA 50543; Grace Hill, IA 52353; Graettinger, IA 51342; Grafton, IA 50440; Grand Junction, IA 50107; Grand Mound, IA 52751; Grand River, IA 50108; Grandview, IA 52752; Granger, IA 50109; Granite, IA 51241; Grant City, IA 51433; Grant, IA 50847; Granville, IA 51022; Gravity, IA 50848; Gray, IA 50110; Greeley, IA 52050; Green Castle, IA 50054; Green Island, IA 52064; Green Mountain, IA 50632; Greene, IA 50636; Greenfield, IA 50849; Greenville, IA 51343; Grimes, IA 50111; Grinnell, IA 50112; Griswold, IA 51535; Grundy Center, IA 50638; Gruver, IA 51334; Guernsey, IA 52221; Gunder, IA 52162; Guss, IA 50857; Guthrie Center, IA 50115; Guttenberg, IA 52052; Halbur, IA 51432, 51444; Hale, IA 52362; Hamburg, IA 51640; Hamilton, IA 50116; Hamlin, IA 50117; Hampton, IA 50441; Hancock, IA 51536; Hanford, IA 50401; Hanley, IA 50240; Hanlontown, IA 50444; Hanna, IA 50560; Hanover, IA 51002; Hansell, IA 50441; Harcourt, IA 50544; Hardin, IA 52156; Hardy, IA 50545; Harlan, IA 51537, 51593; Harper, IA 52231; Harpers Ferry, IA 52146; Harris, IA 51345; Hartford, IA 50118; Hartley, IA 51346; Hartwick, IA 52232; Harvard, IA 50008; Harvester, IA 50234; Harvey, IA 50119; Haskins, IA 52201; Hastings, IA 51540; Hauntown, IA 52732; Havelock, IA 50546; Haven, IA 52339; Haverhill, IA 50120; Hawarden, IA 51011, 51023; Hawkeye, IA 52147; Hayesville, IA 52562; Hayfield, IA 50438; Hazel Green, IA 52223; Hazleton, IA 50641; Hebron, IA 50858; Hedrick, IA 52563; Henderson, IA 51541; Herrold, IA 50111; Hesper, IA 52101; Hiawatha, IA 52233; High Amana, IA 52203; High Point, IA 50103; High, IA 52203; Highland Park, IA 50313; Highlandville, IA 52149; Hills, IA 52235; Hillsboro, IA 52630; Hinton, IA 51024; Hiteman, IA 52531; Hobarton, IA 50511; Holbrook, IA 52325; Holiday Lake, IA 52211; Holland, IA 50642; Holmes, IA 50525; Holstein, IA 51025; Holy Cross, IA 52053, 52066; Homestead, IA 52236; Honey Creek, IA 51542; Hopeville, IA 50174; Hopkinton, IA 52237; Hornick, IA 51026; Horton, IA 50677; Hospers, IA 51238; Houghton, IA 52631; Howe, IA 50250; Hubbard, IA 50122; Hudson, IA 50643; Hull, IA 51239; Humboldt, IA 50548; Humeston, IA 50123; Huron, IA 52646; Hurstville, IA 52060; Hutchins, IA 50423; Huxley, IA 50124; Iconium, IA 52571; Ida Grove, IA 51445; Imogene, IA 51645; Independence, IA 50644; Indian Creek, IA 52302; Indianapolis, IA 50268; Indianola, IA 50125; Industry, IA 50540; Inwood, IA 51240; Ionia, IA 50645; Iowa Center, IA 50161; Iowa City, IA 52240, 52241, 52242, 52243, 52244, 52245, 52246; Iowa Falls, IA 50126; Ira, IA 50127; Ireton, IA 51027; Ironhills, IA 52060; Irvington, IA 50560; Irwin, IA 51446; Ivy, IA 50009; Jackson Junction, IA 52171; Jamaica, IA 50128; James, IA 51108; Jamison, IA 50210; Janesville, IA 50647; Jefferson, IA 50129; Jerico, IA 50659; Jesup, IA 50648; Jewell, IA 50130; Joetown, IA 52247; Johnston, IA 50131; Joice, IA 50446; Jolley, IA 50551; Julien, IA 52001; Juniata, IA 50588; Kalona, IA 52247; Kamrar, IA 50132; Kanawha, IA 50447; Kellerton, IA 50133; Kelley, IA 50134; Kellogg, IA 50135; Kendallville, IA 52136; Kensett, IA 50448; Kent, IA 50851; Keokuk, IA 52632; Keomah, IA 52577; Keosauqua, IA 52565; Keota, IA 52248; Kesley, IA 50649; Keswick, IA 50136; Key West, IA 52001; Keystone, IA 52249; Kilbourn, IA 52535; Killduff, IA 50137; Kimballton, IA 51543; Kingsley, IA 51028; Kingston, IA 52637; Kinross, IA 52335; Kirkman, IA 51447; Kirkville, IA 52566; Kiron, IA 51448; Klemme, IA 50449; Klinger, IA 50668; Knierim, IA 50552; Knittel, IA 50668; Knoke, IA 50575; Knoxville, IA 50138; Kossuth, IA 52637; Koszta, IA 52208; La Motte, IA 52054; La Porte City, IA 50651; Lacey, IA 50207; Lacona, IA 50139; Ladora, IA 52251; Lake City, IA 51449; Lake Mills, IA 50450; Lake Panorama, IA 50216; Lake Park, IA 51347; Lake View, IA 51450; Lakeside, IA 50588; Lakewood, IA 50211; Lakota, IA 50451; Lambs Grove, IA 50208; Lamoni, IA 50140; Lamont, IA 50650; Lancaster, IA 52591; Lanedale, IA 50579; Lanesboro, IA 51451; Langworthy, IA 52252; Lansing, IA 52151; Lanyon, IA 50544; Laporte City, IA 50651; Larchwood, IA 51241; Larrabee, IA 51029; Last Chance, IA 50068; Latimer, IA 50452; Laurel, IA 50141; Laurens, IA 50554; Lavinia, IA 50579; Lawler, IA 52154; Lawn Hill, IA 50206; Lawton, IA 51030; Le Roy, IA 50123; Leando, IA 52551; Lebanon, IA 51250; LeClaire, IA 52753; Ledyard, IA 50556; LeGrand, IA 50142; Lehigh, IA 50557; Leighton, IA 50143; Leland, IA 50453; LeMars, IA 51031; Lenox, IA 50851; Leon, IA 50144; Lester, IA 51242; Letts, IA 52754; Lewis, IA 51544; Liberty Center, IA 50145; Liberty, IA 50210; Libertyville, IA 52567; Lidderdale, IA 51452; Lima, IA 52142; Limby, IA 52580; Lime City, IA 52778; Lime Springs, IA 52155; Lincoln, IA 50652; Linden, IA 50146; Lineville, IA 50147; Linn Grove, IA 51033; Lisbon, IA 52253; Liscomb, IA 50148; Little Cedar, IA 50454; Little Rock, IA 51243; Little Sioux, IA 51545; Little Turkey, IA 52154; Littleport, IA 52042; Littleton, IA 50648; Livermore, IA 50558; Livingston, IA 52549; Lockridge, IA 52635; Locust, IA 52101; Logan, IA 51546, 51550; Lohrville, IA 51453; Lone Rock, IA 50559; Lone Tree, IA 52755; Long Grove, IA 52756; Lorah, IA 50022; Lorimor, IA 50149; Lost Island Lake, IA 51358; Lost Nation, IA 52254; Lotts Creek, IA 50559; Lourdes, IA 50628; Lovilia, IA 50150; Lovington, IA 50322; Low Moor, IA 52757; Lowden, IA 52255; Lowell, IA 52645; Lu Verne, IA 50560; Luana, IA 52156; Lucas, IA 50151; Ludlow, IA 52172; Lundstrom Heights, IA 50021; Luther, IA 50152; Luton, IA 51052; Luxemburg, IA 52056; Luzerne, IA 52257; Lynnville, IA 50153; Lytton, IA 50561; Macedonia, IA 51549; Macksburg, IA 50155; Macy, IA 50601; Madrid, IA 50156; Magnolia, IA 51550; Malcom, IA 50157; Mallard, IA 50562; Maloy, IA 50836; Malvern, IA 51551; Manawa, IA 51501; Manchester, IA 52057; Manilla, IA 51454; Manly, IA 50456; Manning, IA 51455; Manson, IA 50563; Maple Heights, IA 50616; Maple Hill, IA 50514; Maple River, IA 51401; Mapleton, IA 51034; Maquoketa, IA 52060; Marathon, IA 50565; Marble Rock, IA 50653; Marcus, IA 51035; Marengo, IA 52301; Marion, IA 52302; Marne, IA 51552; Marquette, IA 52158; Marquisville, IA 50313; Marshalltown, IA 50158; Martelle, IA 52305; Martensdale, IA 50160; Martinsburg, IA 52568; Marysville, IA 50116; Maryville, IA 50606; Mason City, IA 50401, 50402; Masonville, IA 50654; Massena, IA 50853; Massey, IA 52001; Massillon, IA 52255; Matlock, IA 51244; Maurice, IA 51036; Maxwell, IA 50161; May City, IA 51354; Maynard, IA 50655; Maysville, IA 52773; Mc Callsburg, IA 50154; Mc Causland, IA 52758; Mc Gregor, IA 52157; Mc Intire, IA 50455; McClelland, IA 51548; McNally, IA 51027; Mechanicsville, IA 52306; Mederville, IA 52043; Mediapolis, IA 52637; Medora, IA 50125; Melbourne, IA 50162; Melcher Dallas, IA 50062, 50163; Melrose, IA 52569; Meltonville, IA 50472; Melvin, IA 51350; Menlo, IA 50164; Meriden, IA 51037; Meroa, IA 50461; Merrill, IA 51038; Meservey, IA 50457; Methodist Camp, IA 51360; Meyer, IA 50455; Middle Amana, IA 52307; Middleburg, IA 51041; Middletown, IA 52638; Midvale, IA 50124; Midway, IA 52302; Miles, IA 52064; Milford, IA 51351; Miller, IA 50438; Millersburg, IA 52308; Millerton, IA 50165; Millnerville, IA 51062; Millville, IA 52052; Milo, IA 50166; Milton, IA 52570; Minburn, IA 50167; Minden, IA 51553; Mineola, IA 51554; Minerva, IA 50005; Mingo, IA 50168; Missouri Valley, IA 51555; Mitchell, IA 50461; Mitchellville, IA 50169; Mo Valley, IA 51555; Modale, IA 51556; Mondamin, IA 51557; Moneta, IA 51346; Monmouth, IA 52309; Monona, IA 52159; Monroe, IA 50170; Montezuma, IA 50171; Montgomery, IA 51360; Monticello, IA 52310; Montour, IA 50173; Montpelier, IA 52759; Montrose, IA 52639; Mooar, IA 52632; Moorhead, IA 51558; Moorland, IA 50566; Moran, IA 50276; Moravia, IA 52571; Morley, IA 52312; Morning Sun, IA 52640; Morrison, IA 50657; Morton Mills, IA 50864; Moscow, IA 52760; Moulton, IA 52572; Mount Auburn, IA 52313; Mount Ayr, IA 50854; Mount Carmel, IA 51401; Mount Hamill, IA 52625; Mount Pleasant, IA 52641; Mount Sterling, IA 52573; Mount Union, IA 52644; Mount Vernon, IA 52314; Moville, IA 51039; Munterville, IA 52536; Murphy, IA 50677; Murray, IA 50174; Muscatine, IA 52761; Mystic, IA 52574; Nashua, IA 50658; Nashville, IA 52060; National, IA 52047; Neils, IA 50453; Nemaha, IA 50567; Neola, IA 51559; Neptune, IA 51024; Nevada, IA 50201; New Albin, IA 52160; New Hampton, IA 50659, 50661; New Hartford, IA 50660; New Haven, IA 50461; New Liberty, IA 52765; New London, IA 52645; New Market, IA 51646; New Providence, IA 50206; New Sharon, IA 50207; New Vienna, IA 52065; New Virginia, IA 50210; New York, IA 50238; Newbern, IA 50139; Newburg, IA 50112; Newell, IA 50568; Newhall, IA 52315; Newkirk, IA 51238; Newton, IA 50208; Nichols, IA 52766; Nodaway, IA 50857; Nora Springs, IA 50458; Nordness, IA 52101; Nordstrom, IA 52497; North Branch, IA 50002; North Buena Vista, IA 52066; North Cedar, IA 50613; North English, IA 52316; North Liberty, IA 52317; North Washington, IA 50659, 50661; North Welton, IA 52037; Northboro, IA 51647; Northfield, IA 52637; Northwood, IA 50459; Norwalk, IA 50211; Norway, IA 52318; Norwood, IA 50151; Norwoodville, IA 50317; Numa, IA 52544; Oakdale, IA 52319; Oakland Acres, IA 50112; Oakland, IA 51560; Oakley, IA 50049; Oakville, IA 52646; Oakwood, IA 50653; Oasis, IA 52358; Ocheyedan, IA 51354; Odebolt, IA 51458; Oelwein, IA 50662; Ogden, IA 50212; Okoboji, IA 51355; Old Town, IA 51351; Olds, IA 52647; Olin, IA 52320; Olivet, IA 50143; Ollie, IA 52576; Onawa, IA 51040; Oneida, IA 52057; Onslow, IA 52321; Oralabor, IA 50021; Oran, IA 50664; Orange City, IA 51041; Orchard, IA 50460; Orient, IA 50858; Orillia, IA 50061; Osage, IA 50461; Osborne, IA 52043; Osceola, IA 50213; Osgood, IA 50536; Oskaloosa, IA 52577; Ossian, IA 52161; Osterdock, IA 52035; Otho, IA 50569; Otley, IA 50214; Oto, IA 51044; Otranto, IA 50472; Otter Creek, IA 52079; Otterville, IA 50644; Ottosen, IA 50570; Ottumwa Junction, IA 52501; Ottumwa, IA 52501; Owasa, IA 50126; Owego, IA 51052; Oxford Jct, IA 52323; Oxford Junction, IA 52323; Oxford Mills, IA 52323; Oxford, IA 52322; Oyens, IA 51045; Pacific Junction, IA 51561; Packard, IA 50619; Packwood, IA 52580; Painted Rocks, IA 50214; Palm Grove, IA 50501; Palmer, IA 50571; Palmyra, IA 50047; Palo, IA 52324; Panama, IA 51562, 51578; Panarama Park, IA 52722; Panora, IA 50216; Park Hills, IA 50214; Park View, IA 52748; Parkersburg, IA 50665; Parnell, IA 52325; Paton, IA 50217; Patterson, IA 50218; Paullina, IA 51046; Pekin, IA 52580; Pella, IA 50219; Peosta, IA 52068; Percival, IA 51648; Perkins, IA 51239; Perlee, IA 52556; Perry, IA 50220; Pershing, IA 50138; Persia, IA 51563; Peru, IA 50222; Petersburg, IA 52040; Peterson, IA 51047; Petersville, IA 52731; Pierson, IA 51048; Pilot Grove, IA 52648; Pilot Mound, IA 50223; Pioneer, IA 50541; Piper, IA 50579; Pisgah, IA 51564; Pitzer, IA 50072; Plain View, IA 52773; Plainfield, IA 50666; Plano, IA 52581; Platteville, IA 50836; Pleasant Hill, IA 50317, 50327; Pleasant Plain, IA 52540; Pleasant Valley, IA 52767; Pleasanton, IA 50065; Pleasantville, IA 50225; Plover, IA 50573; Plymouth, IA 50464; Pocahontas, IA 50574; Polk City, IA 50226; Pomeroy, IA 50575; Popejoy, IA 50227; Portland, IA 50401; Portsmouth, IA 51565; Postville, IA 52162; Powersville, IA 50636; Prairie City, IA 50228; Prairie Grove, IA 52655; Prairieburg, IA 52219; Prescott, IA 50859; Preston, IA 52069; Primghar, IA 51245; Primrose, IA 52625; Princeton, IA 52768; Prole, IA 50229; Promise City, IA 52583; Protivin, IA 52163; Pulaski, IA 52584; Quandahl, IA 52101; Quasqueton, IA 52326; Quimby, IA 51049; Radcliffe, IA 50230; Rake, IA 50465; Ralston, IA 51459; Randalia, IA 52164; Randall, IA 50231; Randolph, IA 51649; Rands, IA 50579; Rathbun, IA 52544; Raymar, IA 50707; Raymond, IA 50667; Readlyn, IA 50668; Reasnor, IA 50232; Red Line, IA 51447; Red Oak, IA 51566, 51591; Redding, IA 50860; Redfield, IA 50233; Reinbeck, IA 50669; Rembrandt, IA 50576; Remsen, IA 51050; Renwick, IA 50577; Rhodes, IA 50234; Riceville, IA 50466; Richards, IA 50579; Richland, IA 52585; Ricketts, IA 51460; Ridgeway, IA 52165; Rinard, IA 50538; Ringsted, IA 50578; Rippey, IA 50235; Risingsun, IA 50317; Ritter, IA 51201; River Junction, IA 52755; Riverdale, IA 52722; Riverside, IA 52327; Riverton, IA 51650; Robertson, IA 50601; Robins, IA 52328, 52411; Robinson, IA 52330; Rochester, IA 52772; Rock Creek, IA 50461; Rock Falls, IA 50467; Rock Rapids, IA 51246; Rock Valley, IA 51247; Rockdale, IA 52001; Rockford, IA 50468; Rockwell City, IA 50579; Rockwell Collins, IA 52498; Rockwell, IA 50469; Rodney, IA 51051; Roelyn, IA 50566; Roland, IA 50236; Rolfe, IA 50581; Rome, IA 52642; Rose Hill, IA 52586; Roselle, IA 51401; Ross, IA 50025; Rossie, IA 51357; Rossville, IA 52159; Rowan, IA 50470; Rowley, IA 52329; Royal, IA 51343, 51357; Rubio, IA 52585; Ruble, IA 51001; Rudd, IA 50471; Runnells, IA 50237; Russell, IA 50238; Ruthven, IA 51358; Rutland, IA 50582; Rutledge, IA 52501; Ryan, IA 52330; Sabula, IA 52070; Sac City, IA 50583; Sageville, IA 52001; Saint Ansgar, IA 50472; Saint Anthony, IA 50239; Saint Benedict, IA 50511; Saint Charles, IA 50240; Saint Donatus, IA 52071; Saint Joseph, IA 50519; Saint Lucas, IA 52166; Saint Marys, IA 50241; Saint Olaf, IA 52072; Saint Paul, IA 52656, 52657; Salem, IA 52649; Salina, IA 52556; Salix, IA 51052; Sanborn, IA 51248; Sand Prairie, IA 52619; Sand Spring, IA 52237; Sandusky, IA 52632; Sandyville, IA 50001; Santiago, IA 50169; Saratoga, IA 52155; Sattre, IA 52101; Saude, IA 52154; Sawyer, IA 52627; Saydel, IA 50313; Saylorville, IA 50313; Scarville, IA 50473; Schaller, IA 51053; Schleswig, IA 51461; Schley, IA 52136; Scotch Grove, IA 52310; Scotch Ridge, IA 50047; Scranton, IA 51462; Searsboro, IA 50242; Selma, IA 52588; Seneca, IA 50539; Sergeant Bluff, IA 51054; Seventh Avenue, IA 52734; Sewal, IA 50060; Sexton, IA 50483; Seymour, IA 52590; Sgt Bluff, IA 51054; Shady Grove, IA 50648; Shaffton, IA 52730; Shambaugh, IA 51651; Shannon City, IA 50861; Sharon, IA 50025; Sharpsburg, IA 50862; Shawondasse, IA 52001; Sheffield, IA 50475; Shelby, IA 51570; Sheldahl, IA 50243; Sheldon, IA 51201; Shell Rock, IA 50670; Shellsburg, IA 52332; Shenandoah, IA 51601, 51602, 51603; Sheridan, IA 50157; Sherrill, IA 52073; Sherwood, IA 50579; Shipley, IA 50201; Siam, IA 50833; Sibley, IA 51249; Sidney, IA 51652; Sigourney, IA 52591; Silver City, IA 51571; Silver Lake, IA 50459; Sinclair, IA 50665; Sioux Center, IA 51250; Sioux City, IA 51101, 51102, 51103, 51104, 51105, 51106, 51108, 51109, 51111; Sioux Rapids, IA 50585; Six Mile, IA 52732; Slater, IA 50244; Slifer, IA 50543; Sloan, IA 51055; Smithland, IA 51056; Soldier, IA 51572; Solon, IA 52333; Somers, IA 50586; South Amana, IA 52334; South Des Moines, IA 50315, 50320, 50321; South English, IA 52335; South Ottumwa, IA 52501; Spencer, IA 51301; Sperry, IA 52650; Spillville, IA 52168; Spirit Lake, IA 51360; Spragueville, IA 52074; Spring Hill, IA 50125; Springbrook, IA 52075; Springdale, IA 52358; Springville, IA 52336; Stacyville, IA 50476; Stanhope, IA 50246; Stanley, IA 50671; Stanton, IA 51573; Stanwood, IA 52337; Stanzel, IA 50849; State Center, IA 50247; Steamboat Rock, IA 50672; Stilson, IA 50423; Stockport, IA 52651; Stockton, IA 52769; Storm Lake, IA 50588; Story City, IA 50248; Stout, IA 50673; Stratford, IA 50249; Strawberry Point, IA 52076; Stringtown, IA 50851; Stuart, IA 50250; Sugar Creek, IA 52731; Sully, IA 50251; Sulphur Springs, IA 50588; Summerset, IA 50125; Summitville, IA 52632; Sumner, IA 50674; Superior, IA 51363; Sutherland, IA 51058; Sutliff, IA 52253; Swaledale, IA 50477; Swan, IA 50252; Swea City, IA 50590; Swedesburg, IA 52652; Swisher, IA 52338; Tabor, IA 51653; Taintor, IA 50207; Talleyrand, IA 52248; Talmage, IA 50254; Tama, IA 52339; Tara, IA 50501; Teeds Grove, IA 52771; Templar Park, IA 51360; Templeton, IA 51463; Tennant, IA 51537; Tenville Junction, IA 50864; Terril, IA 51364; Thayer, IA 50254; The Meadows, IA 50276; Thompson, IA 50478; Thor, IA 50591; Thornburg, IA 50255; Thornton, IA 50479; Thorpe, IA 52057; Thurman, IA 51654; Ticonic, IA 51010; Tiffin, IA 52340; Tingley, IA 50863; Tipton, IA 52772; Titonka, IA 50480; Toddville, IA 52341; Toeterville, IA 50481; Toledo, IA 52342; Toolesboro, IA 52653; Toronto, IA 52777; Tracy, IA 50256; Traer, IA 50675; Treynor, IA 51575; Triboji Beach, IA 51360; Tripoli, IA 50676; Troy Mills, IA 52344; Truesdale, IA 50592; Truro, IA 50257; Turin, IA 51040; Turkey River, IA 52052; Tuskeego, IA 50133; Twin View Heights, IA 52333; Udell, IA 52593; Underwood, IA 51576; Union Mills, IA 50207; Union, IA 50258, 50259; Unionville, IA 52594; University Heights, IA 52246; University Park, IA 52595; Urbana, IA 52345; Urbandale, IA 50322, 50323, 50391, 50398; Ute, IA 51060; Vail, IA 51465; Valeria, IA 50054; Van Cleve, IA 50162; Van Horne, IA 52346; Van Meter, IA 50261; Van Wert, IA 50262; Varina, IA 50593; Vedic City, IA 52556; Ventura, IA 50482; Veo, IA 52585; Vernon Springs, IA 52136; Victor, IA 52347; Village Creek, IA 52151; Villisca, IA 50864; Vincent, IA 50594; Vining, IA 52348; Vinton, IA 52349; Viola, IA 52350; Volga, IA 52077; Volney, IA 52159; Voorhies, IA 50643; Wadena, IA 52169; Wahpeton, IA 51360; Walcott, IA 52773; Walford, IA 52351; Walker, IA 52352; Wall Lake, IA 51466; Wallingford, IA 51365; Walnut City, IA 52574; Walnut, IA 51577; Wapello, IA 52653; Ware, IA 50546; Washburn, IA 50702, 50706; Washington, IA 52353; Washta, IA 51061; Waterloo, IA 50701, 50702, 50703, 50704, 50706, 50707; Waterville, IA 52170; Watkins, IA 52354; Watson, IA 52159; Waubeek, IA 52214; Waucoma, IA 52171; Waukee, IA 50263; Waukon Junction, IA 52146; Waukon, IA 52172; Waverly, IA 50677; Wayland, IA 52654; Webb, IA 51366; Webster City, IA 50595; Webster, IA 52355; Weldon, IA 50264; Weller, IA 50150; Wellman, IA 52356; Wellsburg, IA 50680; Welton, IA 52774; Wesley, IA 50483; West Amana, IA 52203; West Bend, IA 50597; West Branch, IA 52358; West Burlington, IA 52655; West Chester, IA 52359; West Des Moines, IA 50061, 50265, 50266, 50368, 50398; West Fort Dodge, IA 50501; West Grove, IA 52537; West Liberty, IA 52776; West Okoboji, IA 51351; West Point, IA 52656, 52657; West Storm Lake, IA 50588; West Union, IA 52175; Westerville, IA 50108; Westfield, IA 51062; Westgate, IA 50681; Westphalia, IA 51578; Westside, IA 51467; Wever, IA 52658; What Cheer, IA 50268; Wheatland, IA 52777; White Elm, IA 52588; White Oak, IA 50073; White Pigeon, IA 52316; Whiting, IA 51063; Whittemore, IA 50598; Whitten, IA 50269; Whittier, IA 52336; Wick, IA 50240; Wickham Spur, IA 51101; Wieston, IA 50563; Wildwood Camp, IA 52756; Willey, IA 51401; Williams, IA 50271; Williamsburg, IA 52361; Williamson, IA 50272; Williamstown, IA 52247; Wilton, IA 52778; Windham, IA 52322; Windsor Heights, IA 50311, 50312, 50322, 50324; Winfield, IA 52659; Winnebago Heights, IA 50401; Winterset, IA 50273; Winthrop, IA 50682; Wiota, IA 50274; Wiscotta, IA 50233; Woden, IA 50484; Wood, IA 52042; Woodbine, IA 51579; Woodburn, IA 50275; Woodland, IA 50103; Woodward, IA 50276; Woolstock, IA 50599; Worthington, IA 52078; Wright, IA 52577; Wyman, IA 52621; Wyoming, IA 52362; Yale, IA 50277; Yarmouth, IA 52660; Yetter, IA 51433; Yorktown, IA 51656; Younkers, IA 50397; Zaneta, IA 50643; Zearing, IA 50278; Zion, IA 50858; Zook Spur, IA 50156; patients from all over Iowa have valued their enhanced eyesight recovery when they have used the Rite Time Make It Rite Mirror.
International patients in Puerto Rico, Canada (Quebec, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia), Mexico, United Kingdom, Philippines, Ireland, Australia, Israel, Hong Kong, India, Saudi Arabia (to name just a few international locations) have valued and appreciated using the RiteTime System including the Make It Rite Mirror and regaining their eyesight.
Vitreo-retinal ophthalmologist eye surgeons perform a vitrectomy to repair detached retina or a retinal macular hole. The Rite Time® Make It Rite Mirror is the solution for the necessary face prone prescribed posture. Patients have appreciated using the RiteTime® Make It Rite Mirror and have successfully maintained facedown positioning 24/7 for as long as necessary to regain their eyesight.
You will appreciate the vitrectomy facedown comfort solutions the Rite Time® Make It Rite Mirror affords you or your loved one for facedown vitrectomy eyesight recovery.
To order and/or discuss the Rite Time® Make It Rite Mirror, or the RiteTime Rental Option, call Sandra at RiteTime® at 1.800.266.2924 or 1.480.832.1592 or email me at [email protected].
We look forward to assisting you or your loved one regain eyesight.